The artists of openSUSE.
Provides guidance to the project.
Organization of the openSUSE Conference.
Care of discussion area.
Manuals, Guides, Whitepapers for the producs.
Spread the word in all directions.
The news editors of openSUSE.
Handle membership requests.
Care of blogs aggregation server.
Produces a podcast.
The masters of the wikies.
The security before and after the release.
Translating applications to various languages.
Coordinating maintenance updates.
Developing and maintaining the openSUSE kernel.
Taking care of the Factory distribution.
desktop integration into openSUSE.
desktop integration into openSUSE.
desktop integration into openSUSE.
Xfce |
desktop integration into openSUSE.
desktop integration into openSUSE.
desktop integration into openSUSE.
integration into openSUSE.
integration into openSUSE.
integration into openSUSE.
and Rails integration into openSUSE.
integration into openSUSE.
Development platform for the openSUSE and others.
Installation and system management tool YaST.
We look after the Packman on openSUSE
We maintain the Lizards blogs .
Review of packages for openSUSE.
All administration related tasks.
Edu-CD for openSUSE.
Software for doctor's practice.
Building the Software portal project.