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Planet openSUSE is a web feed aggregator that collects blog posts from people who contribute to openSUSE.

Latest posts on Planet openSUSE:

Connect your blog

Via Mail

In order to have your blog feed added to Planet openSUSE, send an email to the administrators with the following information:

  • the URL of your blog or, even better, the URL to the RSS/Atom feed of your blog
  • in which language you blog, especially if it's not in English
  • your full name (e.g. John Doe)
  • your IRC nickname on Freenode, if you have any (e.g. jdoe)
  • whether you are an openSUSE Member so that a "member" button can be placed besides your name on the feedlist
  • a hackergotchi -- while it's not mandatory, it is a lot nicer for the readers. If you need help with this send a picture to the openSUSE Artwork team.

Via Pull Request

Send a pull request against the planet.ini file in

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