openSUSE:PAM configuration
Configuration file location
openSUSE uses only pam.d directory style configuration files, where the service is the name of the file in the pam.d directory. The /etc/pam.conf file is not supported.
The pam.d manual page explains in detail the syntax of the configuration file and the meaning.
There are three directories, in which PAM is looking for the service files in the following order:
- /etc/pam.d
- /usr/lib/pam.d
- /usr/etc/pam.d
Which means: if a file is not found in /etc/pam.d, it will be searched in /usr/lib/pam.d and afterwards in /usr/etc/pam.d. /usr/etc/pam.d is there for historic reasons and should no longer be used, as several tools cannot cope with this directory.
Packages should always install their configuration file in /usr/lib/pam.d as normal file, not mark them as %config or something similar.
pam-config is our tool to maintain the PAM configuration file: add, remove or update the entries. It doesn't modify the configuration files directly, but instead, creates 9 separate configuration files, which get included by the configuration files. This 9 files are:
- /etc/pam.d/common-account-pc
- /etc/pam.d/common-auth-pc
- /etc/pam.d/common-password-pc
- /etc/pam.d/common-session-nonlogin-pc
- /etc/pam.d/common-session-pc
- /etc/pam.d/postlogin-account-pc
- /etc/pam.d/postlogin-auth-pc
- /etc/pam.d/postlogin-password-pc
- /etc/pam.d/postlogin-session-pc
This files will be managed with pam-config, manual changes will be overwritten on the next pam-config call!
In the following part, login services are services, which do a real user login, including writing a wtmp entry and open a systemd-logind session.
This file is used for non-authentication-based account management, which applies to all services.
This file contains the modules for authenticating the user, which are common to all services.
This file is used for updating the authentication token associated with the user, which applies to all services.
This file contains all the modules associated with doing things that need to be done for the user before/after they can be given service. Such things include the logging of information concerning the opening/closing of some data exchange with a user, mounting directories, etc.
This is the same as common-session-pc except that it will not contain It should be included by services which don't do a full user login. E.g. su' should include common-session-nonlogin-pc while su-l should include common-session-pc.
This file is used for non-authentication-based account management, which applies to only this services, which do a real "login" process. So e.g. login, but not cron or chsh. It's included after common-account.
This file contains the modules for authenticating the user, which are common to login services like login or sshd, but not e.g. chsh. It's included after common-auth.
This file contains the modules for updating the authentication token associated with the user, which are common to login services like login or sshd, but not e.g. chsh. It's included after common-password.
This file contains all the modules associated with doing things that need to be done for the user before/after they can be given service and are common, but limited to login services like login or 'sshd. This are e.g. creating the lastlog entry and creating the wtmp entry for this session. It's included after common-session.
Here is the github page of the project.
Manual changes
The common-{account,auth,password,session,session-nonlogin} and postlogin-{account,auth,password,session} files are symlinks pointing to the corresponding common-*-pc and postlogin-*-pc files. To disable pam-config, replace the symlinks with real files containing your manual configuration. pam-config will no longer modify them.
PAM service files
PAM service files like pam.d/login or pam.d/sshd will not be touched by pam-config (it's possible for some few cases, but shouldn't be used). If an admin needs to modify this files, they need to be copied into /etc/pam.d. No package will ever touch them again, the admin has to manual merge changes doen via package updates.
A typical configuration file for the login service would look like:
#%PAM-1.0 auth requisite auth substack common-auth auth include postlogin-auth account substack common-account account include postlogin-account password substack common-password password include postlogin-password session required session optional force revoke session substack common-session session include postlogin-session session optional session optional standard
For the sshd service:
#%PAM-1.0 auth requisite auth substack common-auth auth include postlogin-auth account requisite account substack common-account account include postlogin-account password substack common-password password include postlogin-password session required session substack common-session session optional force revoke session include postlogin-session session optional
For the sudo service:
#%PAM-1.0 auth include common-auth account include common-account password include common-password session optional revoke session include common-session-nonlogin
Backward compatibility with SLE12/SLE15
This PAM configuration files are NOT compatible with SLE12/SLE15. For this, you need to decide at build time, which configuration file to include in the binary RPM: the old one or the new one.