openSUSE:Packaging vdr
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Guidelines for packaging VDR plugins
This guideline applies to openSUSE starting with version 13.2 and the updated vdr build service repository (VDR version >= 2.0.0).
VDR plugins are usually called vdr-something. In accordance with other distributions the packages should be called vdr-plugin-something.
Build Requirements
VDR plugin packages need to BuildRequire vdr-devel. This package provides some convenient macros to simplify the spec file.
Runtime Requirements
VDR plugin packages need to PreReq vdr(abi) = %{vdr_apiversion} as plugins only work with a specific vdr version. There is also a convenience Macro, so that you can do PreReq %{vdr_prereq}.
- %vdr_apiversion - Version of the VDR plugin API, e.g. '2.0.6'
- %vdr_localedir - Location of translation files
- %vdr_libdir - Location of plugin libraries
- %vdr_includedir - Location of VDR header files
- %vdr_videodir - Location of the video directory (/var/spool/video)
- %vdr_sysconfdir - Location of config files (/etc/vdr)
- %vdr_make - Calls 'make' and automatically sets VDRDIR, LIBDIR and LOCALEDIR
- %vdr_find_locale - Lists locale files and puts the list into vdrlocale.files
- %vdrname - Name of the VDR package, 'vdr' for the stable version. By making the name a macro there's a chance to not require much changes when building the plugin for a development version of vdr. This is deprecated. Once we start building development versions, this will happen in a separate buildservice project so such hacks will not be necessary.
spec file template for old-style plugins
"Old" plugins are built with %vdr_make, which is short for make VDRDIR=%{vdr_includedir} LIBDIR=. LOCALEDIR=locale. The plugin is put into the current directory as libvdr-<pluginname>.so (very old plugin) or libvdr-<pluginname>.so.%{vdr_apiversion} (slightly newer plugins). Locale files are put into the locale/ subdirectory. Old plugins usually have no make install target, so the installation needs to be done manually in %install:
%define pluginname epgfixer Name: vdr-plugin-%{pluginname} Version: 0.3.1 Release: 0 Summary: A VDR plugin that fixes EPG data License: GPL-2.0 Group: Hardware/TV Url: Source0: vdr-%{pluginname}-%{version}.tar.bz2 BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: pcre-devel BuildRequires: pkg-config BuildRequires: vdr-devel PreReq: %{vdr_prereq} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description Epgfixer is a VDR plugin for doing extra fixing of EPG data. %prep %setup -q -n %{pluginname}-%{version} %patch0 -p 1 %build %{vdr_make} %install install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/vdr install -d %{buildroot}%{vdr_localedir} install{vdr_apiversion} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/vdr/ cp -a locale/* %{buildroot}%{vdr_localedir}/ %{vdr_find_locale} %files -f vdrlocale.files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/vdr/* %{vdr_dirs} %doc COPYING HISTORY README %changelog
Note the PreReq. Simple plugins like the one in this example would also work with a normal Requires. However, if the plugin installs configuration files that must be writeable by vdr then vdr must be pre-Required as the vdr package creates the vdr user who owns the config files.
spec file differences for "modern" plugins
Current VDR plugin with "modern" spec files build almost like standard software:
%build make %{?_smp_mflags} VDRDIR=%{vdr_includedir} %install make install VDRDIR=%{vdr_includedir} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %vdr_find_locale
Usually they need VDRDIR=%{vdr_includedir} to find the VDR config in %{vdr_includedir}/Make.config.