openSUSE:Weekly news team

We are the openSUSE Weekly News Team. Since September 29, 2007 we publishing the Weekly News about our Project and some things around.
Submit an Article
If you have found an interesting article or you have written one, just send it (complete or as Link) to own-submit
Mailing List
- - We discuss over the openSUSE Marketing List..
Subscribe - Unsubscribe - Help - Archives - - There you can place News or Links..
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Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
You can visit us in the IRC. Just choose Freenode, and come in the channel: #opensuse-newsletter.
We meet every saturday to prepare the new issue. The next meeting is at Saturday 2010-06-12, 16:30h UTC. You find the topics on our openSUSE:Weekly news meeting page and the archive at Archive:Weekly news meeting
Team Page in Connect Facebook Fanpage
Brainstorming on the Discussion page
We frequently brainstorm on the discussion page of our team page.
All members should have signed the Guiding Principles.
- saigkill Talk - Contributions Sascha Manns (Editor in Chief Editor Main Newsletter)
- Knurpht Talk - Contributions Gertjan Lettink (Main Newsletter openSUSE Forums)
- STS301 Talk - Contributions Sebastian Schöbinger (Tips and Tricks)
- HeliosReds Talk - Contributions Satoru Matsamoto (Main Newsletter)
- Okuro Talk - Contributions Thomas Hofstätter (Event Editor)
If you would like to know which Coordinator is responsible for your $LANG? Just look there: openSUSE:Weekly_news_team_coordinators
Translations are done by:
- French: Jean-Christophe Baptiste
- German: Matthias Fehring, Sebastian Schöbinger, Thomas Hofstätter
- Japanese: Satoru Matsumoto, Naruhiko Ogasawara, Ko Kazaana, Masahiko Hashimoto
- Polish: Piotrek Juzwiak, BenderBendingRodriguez
- Russian: Aleksey Osipov, Dinar Valeev, Alexander Melentiev, Eri zaq, Alexander Melentiev, Minton
- Spanish: Marco Flores
- Portuguese: Luiz Fernando Ranghetti, Gabriel Fróes Franco, Raul Libório, Alexandre de Jesus
- Indonesian: Masim Vavai Sugianto, Edwin Zakaria
- Swedish: Geoff Roberts
- Italian: Giuseppe "hawake" Gran
- Chinese: Michael Cheah
- Hungarian: József Giba
Hall of Fame
The openSUSE Weekly News Team says thank you! for their outstanding participation:
- Francis Giannaros
- He did the 1st issue and got it flying.
- Stephan Binner
- Thank you, Stephan, for your support and for always driving us to good results.
- Rupert Horstkötter
- Kudos to Rupert Horstkötter for his support and his ideas to connect the newsletter and the forum.
- dl9pf Talk - Contributions Jan-Simon Möller
- Thank you Jan. You was the Teamleader for a long time. Sadly you've other things to do. But maybe we see you again in the future.
How to join
First you can write to: Saigkill. Then you can subscribe the marketing list. If you complete your first task in the Weekly News, you can join the Team in If you are an Ambassador the approval process is faster :-)
Skills: medium
At the Moment we have Translators for: German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Indonesia, Magyar, Italiano, Chinese and French. We need for each of these languages a second person as representative. If you can speak one or more of these languages, please feel free to contact us.
Skills: medium
We are searching the whole time for people from different sections of the openSUSE project to post news from the subprojects and general Authors who are willing to write stories for the Weekly News. If you are interested contact us!
- Brainstorming
- Whitepaper - Weekly News Survey
- You can checkout our Scripts Repository.