openSUSE 42.2 on Raspberry Pi
Dutch openSUSE on Raspberry Pi 3 HOWTO
Subscription Management Tool
Check out my Subscription Management Tool appliance at the SUSE Studio site.
Interop Demo
The Interop Demo appliance can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 when working in a Windows environment. The appliance has been prepared for the following use cases in terms of software:
Use case 1: SLES Participating in an Active Directory domain
Integrating with Active Directory as authentication and authorization source is a frequent use case in mixed Linux and Windows environments. Winbind, a component of Samba, provides not only the necessary integration with AD but also a PAM module to authenticate and authorize Linux users
Use case 2: Integration of Apache with Active Directory
Use case 3: SLES and Samba as domain controller
Use case 4: Windows Remote Desktop on Linux
Use case 5: Querying MS SQL Server from SLES through ODBC
OTRS is an enterprise grade open source Help Desk and ITSM solution. You can download the software here or a ready to go appliance.
Milo's appliance is an excellent way to get started with Zarafa
openSUSE / SLE Howto's
Server stuff
Desktop stuff
- A few things I use in terminals
- Linux Desktop tips
- Easy Hacks Libre Office
- HOWTO record the audio output of the flash plug-in
Window placement
xdotool lets you programatically (or manually) simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.
WID=`xdotool search --title "Mozilla Firefox"` #1 xdotool windowmove $WID 1440 0 #2 xdotool key --clearmodifiers F11 #3
- . Get window ID WID of Firefox
- . Move window identified by WID
- . send key F11 (full screen)
Booklet printing
This HOWTO provides an overview of the necessary steps to create a virtual printer which will reformat the printed document into a booklet format. Since this appears as normal printer device, it will process input submitted by any program which is capable of printing using CUPS. All processed documents will be delivered to the user by e-mail in PDF format. The next step is to actually print this document by a (duplex capable) physical printer, and finally fold and staple the pages together to produce the booklet.
See also this post on the openSUSE Forums site in the meantime.
Other mobile devices
Nokia E72
I've got a Nokia E72 phone, which is quite nice, but - as one could have expected - there was no information about how to use the UMTS modem part of it under Linux. Have a look at this page, which describes using the phone through Bluetooth. While at it, I also created an HOWTO about using USB to connect the phone.
ELM327 based ODB-II scan tool
Interested in interrogating your car's on-board computer? Find out how to use this ELM 327 based bluetooth device with openSUSE (or SLE).