Future meetings
Past meetings
Every second Fridays at [1800 UTC] at [] or if is down it will be held at
Meeting #10 | 16 April, 2021
Meeting focused on pyspelling and weblate. Minutes
Meeting #9 | 05 January, 2021
Meeting focused on the revamped documentation table of contents. Minutes
Meeting #8 | 18 Novembre, 2020
Meeting focused on how to market openSUSE distros and orientate the docs accordingly. Minutes
Meeting #7 | 27 November, 2020
Meeting focused on how to get started with the brand new documentation platform. Minutes
Meeting #6 | 20 November, 2020
Meeting will be focused on the documentation platform. Do bring your pros for your preferred one!
Meeting #5 | 06 November, 2020
Meeting minutes here:
Meeting #4 | 23 October, 2020
Please consider the preparatory work for the upcoming meeting, on the 23rd of October at 6pm UTC: opensuse-docs/prep-meeting-10-23
Meeting #3 notes are here
Meeting #3 | 8 October, 2020
Call for Agenda items:
- Check homework
- Decide which tasks could be done for improving the learning experience in the following departments:
- Charting new territories: Making an easy-to-look-at, 10'000 feet birdview of the openSUSE community to give new users a taste of the openSUSE community and ecosystem
- Pre-install guide: Helping users see where their use-case fits in the world of openSUSE distros, and think ahead important in-install choices
- Installer helper: Structure the info given by identifying clear turning points in the installer to help people understand the consequences (partially overlaps with Pre-install guide obviously)
- Post-install guide: Best practices, workflows, and post-install tips & tricks
- Structure workflow around these tasks
Meeting #2 | 24th of September
- Present: Ivo, Attila, Andrès, Thomas
- Couldn't make it but we look forward to seeing you next time guys:
- Mike, Stephan, Lana
Discussed & accepted
- to focus on improving the learning experience for new users coming to openSUSE distros (Leap, Tumbleed, and microOS)
- to start off with reviewing and testing guidelines for installing and deploying Live USB sessions for Windows 10 users (Rufus no longer works)
- to use videos where videos are good (demos of "how nice and easy it is to setup and use the openSUSE distros + live tutorials of how to set up desktop-level efficient workflows and best practice), and complement areas where they're not so good with text and other media (i.e. step by step precise instructions or "very important to note" issues)
- to consolidate the current non-technical documentation (i.e. wikis) with already existing contents (consider "" deployed at "") should the author be willing to help
- to get inspiration from the Arch Wiki as a quickly editable knowledge base (I am commenting now: probably as far as troubleshooting is concerned, while still focussing on what just works since all the details and technical background will be available from the Arch wiki anyway)
- to seed a "starting" workflow (see Homework below)
- Ivo will get back to the group with specific requirements for the video guides
- Andrès and Adrien will start testing creation of Live USB environments from the Windows 10 platform, Tomas will peer-review if necessary
- Attila will reach out to the author of ""
- Attila will cook up a nice workflow for the group to use, so that all tasks can be taken up, synced up and shared with minimal overhead or duplication
- Adrien will draft a letter / message to the community (to sync up with the other tasks above) to get more help where needed
Things to discuss between now and the next meeting
- When is next meeting happening?
Things to discuss in the next meeting
1 Check homework This may take the entire session. Other possible subjects to touch on: 2 Decide which tasks could be done for improving the learning experience in the following departments:
- Charting new territories: Making an easy-to-look-at, 10'000 feet birdview of the openSUSE community to give new users a taste of the openSUSE community and ecosystem
- Pre-install guide: Helping users see where their use-case fits in the world of openSUSE distros, and think ahead important in-install choices
- Installer helper: Structure the info given by identifying clear turning points in the installer to help people understand the consequences (partially overlaps with Pre-install guide obviously)
- Post-install guide: Best practices, workflows, and post-install tips & tricks
3 Structure workflow around these tasks
Were on the meeting's agenda:
- Introductions
- Discussing the learning experience for new users ("new" = want to install or recently installed)
- Is the learning experience good for Leap / TW / microOS / Kubic / Containers? Where the focus?
- Agreeing on what works: What good examples of a successful learning experience do you have?
- Using what exists: What can we keep? What needs updates? What needs replacement?
- Building to last: How to make sure what we do will be easy to maintain for future contributors? How to minimize "contents" debt?
- How to structure contents? A simple example:
- Charting new territories: Making an easy-to-look-at, 10'000 feet birdview of the openSUSE community to give new users a taste of the openSUSE community and ecosystem
- Pre-install guide: Helping users see where their use-case fits in the world of openSUSE distros, and think ahead important in-install choices
- Installer helper: Structure the info given by identifying clear turning points in the installer to help people understand the consequences (partially overlaps with Pre-install guide obviously)
- Post-install guide: Best practices, workflows, and post-install tips & tricks
- Actual projects
- Video team and mini-series for helping new users to prepare for, install and get around Leap / TW
- Testing different ways of installing distros from Mac / Win / Linux
- To agree on:
- Looking for more people to help?
- Teams? User experience (slides / texts / videos) / Testing / Communication
- Housekeeping: How frequently should we meet? Can we alternate times?
Kickoff meeting: 17 September, 2020
Call for Agenda items:
- Introductions
- What would we like to do first?
- Video team and mini-series for helping new users to prepare for, install and get around Leap / TW
- Housekeeping: How frequently should we meet? Can we alternate times?
Attendees: Andrés Adrien Attila Frank Lana
- Introduction from Frank, who leads the SUSE documentation team, about the way the docs repo ( works currently. Docs are written in Docbook XML, and use the DAPS toolchain. Repo is open to PRs from anyone who wishes to contribute.
- Discussion about whether a new guide could be added directly to the repo, or whether we should start a different/new repo. Frank confirmed that a new guide could be added to the existing docs repo, and no new repo would be required.
- Adrien outlined the video proposal, a short series of videos for newcomers. Discussion of the value of video offerings, and general agreement that they would bring value.
- Discussion about the existing wiki, and comparison to how other projects (KDE, Ubuntu, etc) organise their documentation between wiki, formal docs, videos, forums, etc.
- Discussion about having a central site to allow people to choose which form of documentation they would prefer. openSUSE has many domains available, but seems to be the most reasonable. The code for that site is in github ( This is probably the best starting point for this team.
Action item (Everyone) Take a look at the doc-o-o GH repo, request access, and think about how you would like to update it to act as a documentation portal.
- Additionally, we would like to have a redirect from the main (possibly in the form of a 'documentation' link in the top right hand corner.
Action item (Frank & Lana) Determine who owns that site and how to get the link added.
- Housekeeping topics: Lana proposed an alternating schedule and timezone for these meetings, which means everyone should be able to attend at least every couple of weeks.
Action item (Lana) Set up meeting schedule and send out details.
- Discussion about working out how to get started. Frank suggested we do some brainstorming.
Action item (Everyone) Add ideas for docs projects we want to tackle to the wiki, for prioritisation and planning in future meetings.