Archive:Weekly news 130
Editors Note
- We are pleased to announce our 130 issue of the openSUSE Weekly News.
Every day our counter goes one day more to 0. We have seen our Milestones and our RC1. Last days RC2 was released, so our last Snapshot is online. Everone is invited to test it, and sure to write Bugreports. In a few day we recieve our Goldmaster. The goldmaster is that Build who is used by pressing the CDs and DVDs, If the Build is outside, no changes going to the Medias. From this Point on we can recieve updates just via YaST/Zypper. So i would like to invite you all to test the RC2. :-)
An other interesting thing in this Issue is the new founded Group "Women of openSUSE". If you are a Woman, just join the Group.
That was all for this Issue's Editors Note...
- We hope that you will enjoy reading.
openSUSE checking instrumentation ā Prepare for Landing ā openSUSE 11.3 RC2 now available!
- "Following up on Michael Loefflerās previous RC1 announcement, openSUSE is now doing a final check of instrumentation before landing. The weather continues to be clear and all conditions continue to be smooth, and all systems are a go for final landing on July 15, 2010. Nowās the time for us all to download the latest openSUSE RC2 release and all join in on a final check and get that 11.3 polished and in good condition. You can download RC2 from our software portal and find detailed information on the evolving openSUSE 11.3 page.
- You can find our most annoying bugs here. And if you find anything new, please do report it on Bugzilla. The ground crew needs your reports!
- Have a lot of fun and letās get to downloading! Theyāre waiting to greet us at the terminal." an attack page
- "Apparently, the wiki on our website has been compromised. At least, so says Google ;)
- Well yeah, the blame is on me, the Mediawiki instance there is really, really outdated and I didn't keep up with security patches and upgrades. Sorry about that.
- I just spent a night installing the most recent Mediawiki version on another server (the one hosting the whole sites), and moving over the content (I didn't keep the history though, we hardly need it).
- Until the DNS entry of is transferred to the other IP address, I've put a global URL forward to"
openSUSE India IRC Channel LIVE !
- "This is to notify all Lizards ;-) (openSUSE Lovers) that the openSUSE India Channel on IRC Freenode--> #opensuse-in , is now Live and registered . So if you have something to ask, share or want to spend some time with openSUSE Indian users , do visit :-)"
openSUSE Forums ā vBulletin Upgrade Complete
- "The vBulletin software that is the āNuts and Boltsā behind the openSUSE Forum has just undergone a major upgrade from v3 to v4. This resulted in some considerable down time on 30 June 2010. However, the results are impressive and openSUSE Forums now has a completely new look. Itās more than that though, the upgrade adds a much improved look and feel. The Forum Team expect some teething problems, as well as much discussion and opinion about the change. As far as changes go, Iād put this on a par with the kde move from 3 to 4. The dust will settle soon enough. Be assured the Forum Staff will be ready and willing to offer advice and assistance relating to this and of course normal help/advice with openSUSE."
Status Updates
Michal Zugec: WebYaST: Switch from XML into JSON (day one)
- "This week I'll continue on project that started on recent WebYaST Workshop:WebYaST_Performance
- Result from previous tests was that bundled reXML parser is slowest from all ;-) Now I'd like to continue with comparison XML and JSON performance. For this purpose I created webclient json branch in our git repository."
Schedules for the next Week
- "July 8:
- Only showstopper and security bugfixes get integrated.
- Milestone: Final drop of all manuals for
- Goldmaster to be uploaded to stage server"
The numbers for all openSUSE project products are this week:
- All Open Reports: 5026 (+67)
- Blocker: 3 (+0)
- Critical: 297 (+4)
- Major: 941 (+32)
- Normal: 2816 (+20)
- Minor: 412 (+6)
- Enhancements: 557 (+5)
Important links:
Team Reports
Build Service Team
Duncan Mac-Vicar: openSUSE Build Service on Android
- "Release fast, release early. That is what I am trying this time so donāt get too excited. I only added one feature. Yes one.
- You can list the pending submit requests related to you. Nothing else. And not with a very pretty layout :-) but it will get better.
- However, I have an infrastructure in place that will allow me to consume the API very easily, and I will push new versions every time I add something."
Stephan Kulow: Buildservice development on 11.3
- "The build service (and any other of openSUSE infrastructure software using RoR) is using rails 2.3.5, because we once decided to harmonize on the version of SLE11 SP1. Of course the latest version has less bugs (usually), but mixing RoR versions between different developers and deployment is a nightmare, so we had to decide on one.
- Now comes the catch: 11.3 has rails 2.3.8 and as such you canāt develop the build service on factory/11.3 as is. But the good news, openSUSE:Tools has all the right versions, so you can add the repo (zypper ar -r and then install zypper in -f rubygem-rack-1.0.1 rubygem-activesupport-2_3-2.3.5"
openSUSE Build Service (OBS) 2.0.2 available
- "We released again a set of bug fixes for OBS, released as OBS 2.0.2
- As usual, you can find the appliance via the wiki page:
Build Team Meeting
- Build Team Meeting Minutes
Build Service Statistics
- Projects: 13536 (+126)
- Packages: 100028 (+680)
- Repositories: 24462 (+377) by 23670 (+70) confirmed users.
KDE Team
Raymond Wooninck: KDE SC 4.5 rc1 available for openSUSE
- "Since yesterday evening the openSUSE KDE4:Unstable repositories contains the KDE SC 4.5 rc1 packages. Also the special repository that contains KDEPIM 4.5 snapshots, was updated to a version that seems to work pretty well.
- I am not using IMAP, so I canāt comment on itās status. But the POP accounts are working very well and also filtering is active. At least it allowed me to move away again from Thunderbird to this Kmail v2 solution. A very good job done by the KDEPIM developers!!"
KDE at openSUSE: KDE: Week 24+25
- "There was not much to report last week thus I skipped the blog post. No issues with KDE and no IRC meeting either. This weekās IRC meeting took quite long since we had to discuss the KDE repository reorganisation. We did not finish yet but decisions already taken will be posted to the opensuse-kde@ mailinglist soon.
- IMHO renaming URLs will not solve the issue of users getting their information off some forum and mailinglists and thus ending-up with a wild mix of Qt and KDE repos and wondering why their KDE repo suddenly becomes WIP since they are using Factory. Although everything is written out nicely on the openSUSE wiki, most people still did not get the different usage of the term STABLE within the last years. The STABLE repo always contained the packages released with the last openSUSE version plus official openSUSE updates, i.e. āstable openSUSE KDEā rather than āstable KDE for openSUSEā. Hence I prefer a GUI that explains everything to and handles repos for the user, keeping him away from URLs."
Marketing Team
Today's Meeting Results
- Meeting Minutes
Ambassadors wiki pages moved, some changes
- "As discussed in the last marketing IRC meeting, we'd like to make the list of ambassadors write protected so that only a few can edit it. We discussed that for now I will add entries to the list after checking that user pages etc are created and the ambassadors are.
- The new location is now at:
- We also have a new Ambassador start page at:
openFATE Team
#310041: HP 3D GuardDrive
- "I wish openSUSE to supply a daemon, which uses the /dev/freefall to provide hard disk head crash protection. There is an example application in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/hwmon/hpfall.c which might be used as a base for such a daemon and the needed modules (hp_accel and lis3lv02d) are present in kernel 2.6.31. I think this is an important feature for HP laptop users."
#310044: Validating DNSSEC support
- "DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security) is mechanism which provides integrity and authenticity of DNS data. It became more important after new Kaminsky DNS poisoning attacks were found in early 2008. The domain-name organizations start to support them for regular usage. Especially: ROOT (.) will be signed starting from July 15, 2010. ARPA is offers signing since 17 March 2010. And several country TLD already use or have test-bed DNSSEC implementations (e.g. .cz, .se, .ch, .de, .pm, .us, (soon:) .eu, .fr, etc.)."
#310058: SUDO with sandbox -X integrationedit
- "Fedora team have developed sandbox -X, a tool allowing to run programs from desktop in sandbox, but still connected to X server. We should integrate this with Sandbox -X to avoid security holes by running some application as another user by sudo."
#310061: DE intependend dialog program
- "Create dialog program with many backend: QT, GTK+, ncruses, WxWidgets. It should prefer to communicate via terminal. Behavior could been changed by environment, like PREFERED_UI="KDE4:GNOME" or WINDOWMANAGER="metacity". It could also working as session deamon. Make it also extensible, allowing to return information about supporting feature by backend and using something similar to namespaces."
#310062: Repositories/Packages and Apparmouredit
- "Just allow to connect repository/packages with apparmour profile by vendors of package/repository."
#310069: run yast2 second stage config in ncurses or VGA mode
- "With 11.2 default installs, I have observed 3-4 installs and 2-3 of those ended with a black screen where yast2 second stage configuration should have been.
- The actual reasons for the black screens differed. One had an ATI graphics driver crash and another used the maximum possible resolution (1600x1200), which the CRT-monitor could not handle. However, from a user perspective, this all came out to the same awful experience - a non-working system that is giving no hint to what might be wrong. (...)"
#310070: openSUSE support for ARM
- "As indicated by this thread, and many earlier, there is demand for openSUSE ARM support. As discussed on the mailing list: (...)"
Feature statistics for openSUSE 11.3:
- Total: 539 (-144)
- Unconfirmed: 343 (-98)
- New: 11 (-3)
- Evaluation: 74 (-19)
- Candidate: 3 (-2)
- Done: 40 (-4)
- Rejected: 53 (-14)
- Duplicate: 15 (-4)
Testing Team
Larry Finger: Weekly Review of the testing team
- "For general news about the openSUSE Testing Core Team, please see Team Minutes and the links within it.
- The Team held a special regular IRC meeting last Monday to report our experiences with Factory at the half-way point between RC1 and RC2. Our hope is to find any bugs that might have been introduced in the development, and to track the repairs on the bugs that were in RC1. As the schedule calls for only 2 weeks between RC2 and the GM release, there is not much time for finding and fixing bugs.
- The Team will hold our regular meeting next Monday to discuss our experiences with RC2.
- At this writing, my only RC2 installation is an update from RC1 using the NET install CD on a 32-bit virtual machine running under VirtualBox. This update proceeded without problems. After rebooting, DNS did not work due to a faulty resolv.conf - a condition that was logged. It was a simple fix, but one that might be a problem for a new user."
Translation Team
- Daily updated translation statistics are available on the openSUSE Localization Portal.
- Trunk Top-List – Localization Guide
In the Community
Women of openSUSE
- "The openSUSE Women project is a very new one. It is a subproject of the openSUSE project. The Women of openSUSE project was founded on Linuxtag2010. It was founded to find women, who are interested in helping other women with technical problems, have techtalk about different topics and to build a part of the openSUSE community where women can think in their own ways."
Martin Vidner: Helping Newcomers
- "Since the discussion (do check out the linked paper, BTW) and the opensuse-women announcement, I've been thinking about how to make the openSUSE community more friendly to women.
- I think one good way is to make sure that new people feel welcome when they join a conversation, be it on the forums, on IRC or on the mailing lists. Now this would be easier if we all had infinite time to read and answer all questions, but as we don't, I decided to focus somehow.
- The forums provide a handy shortcut for the focus, labeling a user who made few posts as a "Puzzled Penguin". So I've made a simple service, a feed of showing only the posts by newcomer users:"
CFP Extended for Ohio Linux Fest
- "ļ»æļ»æļ»æThe Ohio Linux Fest will be on September 10-12, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. There is now a one-week extension for Call for Partiicipation. If any of you are in the Ohio area and would like to give a talk about openSUSE, we encourage you to register your talk proposal here."
Vincent Untz: LinuxTag 2010: Attack of the Geekos!
- "It's finally time to talk about LinuxTag 2010. It was my third time there, and this year was the best so far, at least for me! And that's most probably because of how amazing our openSUSE booth turned out to be! Or maybe it's because of the invasion of the Geekos?
- openSUSE Booth
- We certainly didn't have a big slot for out booth, but oh boy... it ended up big! Our booth was always filled with people, who, I guess, got attracted by the touchscreens we have. But attracting people is of no good if you can't get them interested. We did various demos on the touchscreens, but our small secret ingredient were the workshops: four times a day (and sometimes even more), people could sit down in our booth to participate in a session on various topics ā those ranged from learning Inkscape, to creating your first package in the Build Service, via playing together with GNOME Shell. That really worked out well, especially at it helps getting the visitors more involved in the discussion."
Welcome new Members (Corner for new acknowledged Members)
- "We are pleased to announce our new openSUSE Member:
- idulk: He has published some HowTos on his page, he serves as facebook Kendari Group Admin."
Events & Meetings
Past: June 26, 2010: openSUSE Weekly News Team Meeting]
- July 6-11, 2010: RMLL, France
- July 7, 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- July 8, 2010: openSUSE KDE Team meeting
- July 14, 2010: openSUSE Project Meeting
- July 14, 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- You can find more informations on other events at:
Launch Parties
openSUSE for your ears
- The openSUSE Weekly News are available as Livestream or Podcast in the German Language. You can hear it or download it on
- "Details"
- The mail lists have: 37518 (+245) subscribers.
- The openSUSE Forums have:
- 47219 (+206) registered users
- The most users ever online was 30559, 08-Jan-2010 at 13:06.
- 4744 (+17) of 12164 (+25) registered contributors in the User Directory have signed the Guiding Principles. The board has acknowledged 426 (+1) members.
New/Updated Applications @ openSUSE
Packman: OpenSceneGraph 2.8.3
- "The OpenSceneGraph is an OpenSource, cross platform graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality and scientific visualization. Based around the concept of a SceneGraph, it provides an object oriented framework on top of OpenGL freeing the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provides many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications."
Packman: ossim 1.7.16
- "Pronounced "awesome", the OSSIM project leverages existing open source algorithms, tools, and packages to construct an integrated library for remote sensing, image-processing, and Geographical Information Sciences (GIS) analysis."
Packman: vlc 1.1.0
- "VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network."
Packman: qdvdauthor 2.1.0-2
- "QDVDAuthor is a gui frontend for using dvdauthor and dvd-slideshow scripts to easily build DVD menus and assemble the DVD VOB files."
Packman: Lame 3.98.4
- "LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the open source model to improve the
psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3.
- Another goal of the LAME project is to use these improvements for the basis of a patent free audio compression codec for the GNU project."
Packman: audacity 1.3.12
- "Audacity is a program that manipulates digital audio wave forms. In addition to recording sounds directly from within the program, it imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP, and Ogg Vorbis. With Audacity, you can edit wave data larger than the physical memory size of your computer."
Security Updates
To view the security announcements in full, or to receive them as soon as they're released, refer to the openSUSE Security Announce mailing list.
New Maintenance and Security Update Notifications
- "We have started some weeks ago to supply better maintenance and security update notifications, over various media.
- These notifications will probably in the future replace the Security Summary Reports (in a digested form)."
SUSE Security Announcement: IBM Java 6 (SUSE-SA:2010:026)
- Package: java-1_6_0-ibm
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:026
- Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 18:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP1
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
SUSE Security Announcement: Linux kernel (SUSE-SA:2010:027)
- Package: kernel
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:027
- Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 08:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP1
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP1
- Vulnerability Type: remote denial of service
SUSE Security Announcement: Samba (SUSE-SA:2010:025)
- Package: samba
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:025
- Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 10:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: openSUSE 11.0
- openSUSE 11.1
- Open Enterprise Server
- Novell Linux POS 9
- SLE SDK 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Kernel Review
h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: Kernel Log: Linus resolves to apply a strict policy over merging changes
- "It would appear that Linus Torvalds has resolved to apply a strict policy of accepting only bug fix changes to the kernel after the merge window has closed. Torvalds has also stuck his oar into the debate over the Android suspend block API and made the situation even more complicated."
Rares Aioanei: Weekly Kernel Review with openSUSE Flavor
- "This week Rares have made a Review too. Enjoy it."
Tips and Tricks
For Desktop Users
FEWT: Speed up Open Office!
- "Open Office is pretty slow and painful to use out of the box. This simple step by step procedure speeds up the software, making it much more pleasant to use."
For Commandline/Script Newbies
The Geek Stuff/Sasikala: Keeping You in the Loop ā Bash For, While, Until Loop Examples
- "Looping statements are used to force a program to repeatedly execute a statement. The executed statement is called the loop body.
- Loops execute until the value of a controlling expression is 0. The controlling expression may be any scalar data type.
- The shell language also provide several iteration or looping statements. In this article let us review the looping statements which bash provides using some examples."
For System Administrators
Coly Li: Random I/O ā Is raw device always faster than file system ?
- "For some implementations of distributed file systems, like TFS [1], developers think storing data on raw device directly (e.g. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdcā¦) might be faster than on file systems.
- Their choice is reasonable,
- 1, Random I/O on large file cannot get any help from file system page cache.
- 2, <logical offset, physical offset> mapping introduces more I/O on file systems than on raw disk
- 3, Managing metadata on other powerful servers avoid the necessary to use file systems for data nodes."
Pascal Bleser: sudo X applications on openSUSE
- "sudo is a very powerful tool when used wisely (i.e. not as it's done on Ubuntu).
- By default, sudo is configured in a much more restricted way on openSUSE than on, say, Ubuntu, to avoid any open security loopholes.
- If, nevertheless, you would like to use sudo to run X applications, here is how to do it."
Planet SUSE
Sebastian KĆ¼gler: Surely, Iām going to Akademy, too!
- "Iām on the first leg of my trip back to the Netherlands right now. Iāve spent a couple of days in Bretagne, France to celebrate the marriage of a close friend, who asked me to be his best man. The celebrations, which lasted for three days were terrific, but also pretty tiring as you donāt get to spend much time just by yourself. The main celebration was held in the "ridiculously beautiful" Chateau Domaine de la Bretesche, and in Pornichet, the home of the bride. Iām returning to the Netherlands right now, for three days of desk time (needed to prepare my Akademy talk and to get some last minute work done on the impending openSUSE 11.3 release). On Friday, Iāll be boarding a flight to Helsinki and then on to Tampere to take part in my fifth Akademy."
Mike McCallister: How Do You Learn About KDE?
- "A discussion has popped up on the KOffice-Devel list as to whether to discontinue the user-oriented KOffice mailing list. Some developers are wondering whether itās worth it to keep this admittedly low-traffic list going. The main argument being that if people arenāt using the list now, the few questions that do get asked may not be getting the attention they deserve.
- I have an opinion on the subject, but Iām not sure thatās all that important. : As a technical communicator, what Iām interested in is how others learn about and solve problems with their software, particularly in the open source arena. KOffice doesnāt have the mind share and user base that other open source productivity suites (OK, I mean have, but are there channels todayās Linux geek and her grandma use to get support for their software. There are lots of choices, and it would be interesting and helpful to me, the KOffice and KDE teams to learn those preferences."
Pascal Bleser: Shorter .repo URLs
- "A few days ago, I blogged about using for shorter package repository URLs, including passing e.g. to zypper ar -r to add a repository.
- Turned out it didn't work, because zypper wouldn't follow the redirect. So I rewrote that part by handing over such URLs to a CGI script that reverse proxies the .repo file from (it fetches the proper .repo URL and passes the result to zypper)."
Lubos Lunak: Packager-O-Matic
- "As already mentioned, I have this certain tool in works that can do various magic when it comes to creating packages, especially for people who have no idea how to do them themselves. And since i'm going to the Acadamy too, and on Wednesday I have scheduled a slot for demoing the tool and helping people who'd like to create packages of their software, I've worked on implementing and improving various features that make it more interesting: ..."
Rares Aioanei: Weekly Review of PostgreSQL with openSUSE Flavor
- "Very interesting Weekly Review from Rares. Thanks :-)"
Lubos Lunak: Difficult, difficult...
- "It is interesting to notice what is sometimes seen as difficult. "It's too hard for me, I can't do that." "I'll never be able to do that, that's nothing for me." Like if most things could be done instantly just by snapping one's fingers. They instead require all these tedious things like effort, trying, learning, practicing and so on. The funny thing is, figuring out things in the IT area is not really that demanding. Wanna write a Plasma applet? There's a step-by-step tutorial at Techbase, just follow it blindly and with a decent skill in reading and typing, tadda, there's a Plasma applet. Wanna a package in the build service? You can use another one as a template, find a tutorial on the wiki or just google for it, and if you'll be just a little lucky, a tool can even do the work for you."
openSUSE Forums
Error while Compiling
- "Some sterling help provided on a subject that may be of interest to quite a number of users. A forum moderator pull out all the stops!"
nVidia Graphics - How?
- "A common issue and a simple solution is offered with positive results. Hopefully another happy Camper!"
11.3 Update repo - Outdated?
- "It's common for folk to be confused by beta releases, here is another example."
Option Missing in Yast 11.3 rc1
- "User discusses a missing option in the Yast menu, with some conflicting feedback, some users appear to have the option, others don't."
On the Web
First Release Candidate for SC 4.5 Ready to Go
- "In the month since the second beta the KDE community has fixed hundreds of bugs. Development of features has been frozen for a while now and the Software Compilation is at the point where it needs a good testing to shake out the last issues.
- So if you can spare some time and can help us identify problems or (in)validate other bug reports we'd be more than happy. Moreover, if you want to check out what's coming in terms of features and improvements to our workspaces, applications and development platform, this RC is a good choice for a test run."
K3b 2.0 released
- "Today the reformed K3b team within the KDE Community is proud to release the final 2.0 of the premier disk recording application, codenamed āKomebackā. Although pre-release versions have already enjoyed widespread adoption, we'd like to recap some of the highlights of this release.
- (...)
- With a few exceptions, K3b keeps feature-parity with 1.0.x series, but it also introduces a number of new features. Perhaps the biggest among these is support for Blu-ray drives. Additionally a lot of work have been put into improving the overall user experience. Some work-flows have been merged abstracting it for all kinds of media."
Miguel de Icaza: TweetStation: Elevating the Discourse
- "TweetStation is my first native iPhone app (as opposed to my award-winning HTML5-app iCoaster). More screenshots can be seen here
- Just like Rails, TweetStation is an opinionated Tweeting client, it contains my personal blend of features that I enjoy from other twitter clients, but also tries to do something about changing the world.
- TweetStation has been designed to elevate the level of discourse on Twitter."
Kai Ahrens: Better multimedia support for on Unix systems
- "Playing back audio and video content on Unix system was and is still a matter of choices.
- On the one hand, this is a good thing for the user. It offers a wide range of frameworks that best suit his/her needs. But on the other hand, this also brings a developer of a multi platform, general purpose Office productivity suite like (OOo) into the situation to make a choice. The choice needs to be made just to ensure that we don't have to provide a different backend for all multimedia frameworks that already exist. This just doesn't work for resource reasons. So, a framework needs to be chosen that meets the needs of a group of users as large as possible."
Phoronix/Michael Larabel: Qualcomm Releases Open-Source 2D/3D Kernel Driver
- "If you happen to have Google's Nexus One or other phones based upon Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor, there is great news today. Qualcomm has just released an open-source 2D/3D kernel driver for their OpenGL ES graphics processor. This Qualcomm kernel driver provides support for interrupts, command streams, context switching, memory management, etc. Qualcomm is looking to push this code into the mainline Linux kernel ASAP."
Nagappan Alagappan: Nautilus automated test script under Mago applications
- "As part of an effort to expand Mago a bit by adding nautilus, Jeff Lane from Ubuntu created a launchpad team called mago-applications. It was created to let people interested in adding new applications to Mago collaborate on the same code bases without cluttering up the mago-contributors team.
- The way we see it, mago-applications can focus on simply adding new application interfaces and test suites/cases to Mago, while mago-contributors can focus on the core Mago code making sure it works with the latest changes to LDTP and so forth."
PCWorld/Joab Jackson: Unix Active Directory Software Faster
- "Likewise Software has released a new version of its open-source authentication software for allowing Linux, Apple Macintosh and commercial Unix-based computers to hook into Microsoft Active Directory controlled servers and networks."
Reviews and Essays
ITworld/Brian Proffitt: Review: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
- "Novell announced their first service pack release for SUSE Enterprise Linux Server (SLES), and if you like virtualization, this is a very strong platform from which you can get started.
- That's because, for now, Novell is going to be supporting KVM and Xen (plus Microsoft's Hyper-V tech) within SLES 11 SP1 -- and that's not taking into account the recent Novell/VMware partnership that will have VMware distributing SLES as a commoditized operating system offering."
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Or Communicate with or get help from the wider openSUSE community -- via IRC, forums, or mailing lists -- see Communicate.

- saigkill Talk - Contributions Sascha Manns (Editor in Chief)
- STS301 Talk - Contributions Sebastian Schƶbinger (Tips/Tricks)
- HeliosReds Talk - Contributions Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
- Caf4926 Talk - Contributions Carl Fletcher (Main-Newsletter, Forums Sec.)
- Okuro Talk - Contributions Thomas HofstƤtter (Events & Meetings)
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