Archive:weekly news 119
Editors Note
- Welcome to issue # 119 of openSUSE Weekly News. Now the fifeteenth Week goes to the End, and we are pleased to announce our new issue. In this issue you can find a new exclusive Kernel Review with openSUSE Flavor, and the new Milestone 5 of openSUSE 11.3 is out. Feel free to test it. Now we wish you many joy by reading the new issue...
openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 5: The Community Strikes Back
- "Milestone 5 (of 7), a snapshot of the Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download.
- M5 was marked by significant contributions from both the openSUSE Community, and the larger Linux community. We’ve added some interesting new packages, made some updates to core processes, and participated in a coordinated multi-distribution upgrade of a major multimedia component. Over 50 bugs were fixed and 8 new features were implemented."
Andrew Wafaa: oSC09 videos
- "Well it’s been almost seven months since our inaugural conference, and there were a load of videos taken. The problem was that our usual VT gurus have been unavailable to do any of the editing etc. So the raw video has languished on the servers waiting for some kind soul to help edit them.
- After multiple calls for help and nudges from the marketing team, I decided to see if I could slot it in anywhere (yay me, I’m such a hero :-P ) Thankfully I had some brilliant help from SankarP who refreshed my memory on how to edit video, thanks chief! (...)"
Status Updates
Schedules for the next Week
- "22nd April:
- openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 6 release.
- Milestone: Patchlevel update of granted packages finished. Leaf packages and packages not on DVD are usually granted without much discussion."
The numbers for all openSUSE project products are this week:
- All Open Reports: 4916 (+13)
- Blocker: 3 (+0)
- Critical: 260 (+3)
- Major: 874 (-1)
- Normal: 2799 (-7)
- Minor: 399 (+7)
- Enhancements: 581 (+11)
- Detailed Bugzilla Report – Submitting Bug Reports – Bug Reporting FAQ
Team Reports
Build Service Team
Build Team Meeting
- Minutes from the Meeting
Build Service Statistics
The Build Service now hosts 12194 (+169) projects, 92458 (+475) packages, 21587 (+227) repositories by 22587 (+147) confirmed users.
Marcus Meissner: libgphoto2 2.4.9
- "Nice weekend without any further need-to-do's so I worked on the due release 2.4.9 of libgphoto2. (And a dinner invitation to friends, and some biking through the south part of Nuernberg.)
- News of 2.4.9 can be found here if you are curious.
- First time I used a (more or less ad-hoc) testplan for the ptp2 driver.
- I went through the currently 3 major types of remote controllable cameras and tested generic common scenarios of remote control."
Vincent Untz: GSettings Hackfest: Day 1
- "Yesterday was the first day of the GSettings Hackfest! Ryan, Matthias, Colin, David and I were locked in a meeting room for the whole day (okay, we went out for lunch and Matthias had to leave afterwards) and we put our brains to good use. Or at least, that's the feeling I got ;-) But first, let me thank the various companies who are helping this hackfest: Novell is sponsoring and hosting it, and Red Hat and Codethink are sending folks here. This hackfest will most certainly make a difference on our road to GNOME 3.0, and the support of those companies is a great contribution! And obviously, without the Foundation support, the event wouldn't have been possible, so here's lots of love from the participants to the Foundation too :-)"
KDE Team
Will Stephenson: File Transfers in KDE 4
- "Did you know every app built with KDE 4 can save files as easily to a FTP server or a remote computer using SSH as easily as it accesses your local hard disk? You should! This is a feature that I take for granted since it was introduced in the days of KDE 2.0, but it's easy to forget that the majority of KDE users only started using it since then.
- A few of our community people got together and wrote this thorough overview of network transparent file management in KDE at the weekend. Cookies to them for writing it and even if you think you are an old KDE hand, give it a read - I didn't know about the handy protocol selector in Dolphin, and that let me discover the settings:/ protocol - now I can access my Settings "
Mono Team
Moonlight 3 Preview 6
- "We have released a big update to Moonlight on Linux, our Moonlight 3, Preview 6.
- New in this release:
- # Chrome support and chrome packages
- # Many performance improvements
- # Most Silverlight 3 features are in now, including taking apps out-of-browser
- # Hundreds of bug fixes and improvements our Silverlight 3 compatibility story
- Remember to file bug reports. If you do not file a bug report, we have no way of knowing that something is not working."
MonoTouch 3.0
- "We have just released MonoTouch 3.0.0 with support for iPhoneOS 4.0's new APIs. To try it out, you need to have Apple's iPhone 4.0 SDK installed otherwise MonoTouch 2.0 wont let you download the new toolkit (since it is Apple confidential at this point).
- This release is a preview, the final release will be some sort of 3.0.XX number."
openFATE Team
New: openFATE 309343 Support release number in (rp-md) repositories
- "Have a continously counter in repositories, which can be used in applications to verify if the installed base is new enough. This may need support in libzypp, to store the repository version, after running "zypper dup". "
New: openFATE 309342 Do not loose Hermes events ever.
- "Store non-deliverable hermes notification and deliver later. "
New: openFATE 309341 Make new status for "unsigned"
- "Give status of "unsigned" instead of just "finished" in case scheduler waits for signing. "
Feature statistics for openSUSE 11.3:
- total: 604 (+10)
- unconfirmed: 369 (+9)
- new: 12 (+1)
- evaluation: 100 (+0)
- candidate: 3 (+0)
- done: 37 (+0)
- rejected: 64 (+0)
- duplicate: 19 (+0)
Testing Team
openSUSE Testing Core Team IRC Meeting 2010-04-19 17:00 UTC
- "the 11th openSUSE Testing Core Team IRC Meeting will be on: Monday, April 19th, 2010 at 17:00:00 UTC"
Translation Team
Bug report against webyast files
- "I am translating webyast files and I have noted that they contain incomplete phrases, so I am going to open bug reports against them, as Karl suggested."
- Daily updated translation statistics are available on the openSUSE Localization Portal.
- Trunk Top-List – Localization Guide
German Wiki & Multi-Language Concept
- "with the new openSUSE Wiki at fast approaching and just around the corner, we're going to put additional workforce on it to hold the target launch date of June 1st 2010, which is prior to the release of openSUSE 11.3."
In the Community
Andrew Wafaa: Community Discussion - Part 5
- "This time round I'd like us to discuss Collaboration, Learning, Listening and Leading. Let me clarify what I mean by Collaboration; I'm NOT talking about Groupwise/Exchange/Zimbra/Alfresco/SharePoint/Kablink style collabortaion, but I AM talking about working with other parties and teams.
- Within openSUSE as with other distributions there are multiple teams/projects that in some cases could be classed as competitors - GNOME & KDE are a prime example. Just because they are trying to get you to use them doesn't mean they can't have some commonality (other than the underlying OS). I'd love to see more collaboration with other distributions, working with them on the topic of say RPM as an example. Working with upstream DEs and other distros to improve the likes of a11y (that's accessibility for thos that aren't aware, you know - audio/visual/etc impaired), education. You get the idea? Quite often we need to just look past our differences and get on with the job, soon we'll realise (hoipefully) that we are pretty much the same the difference is in the implementation. If we focus locally on how we can collaborate within openSUSE alone then we need to work together with a focused vision and take a demographic, say developers, and get everyone interested to chip in with ways of making it easier and better for developers to use openSUSE. Both KDE and GNOME can easily contribute to this, as can documentation gurus and others. The key here is to have a clearly defined target and work together, effectively combining multiple teams into one."
- April 07, 2010: openSUSE Board Meeting
- April 10, 2010: Texas Linux Fest in Austin, Texas
- April 14, 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- April 20, 2010: LinuxExpo 2010 Prague, Czech Republic
- April 21, 2010: openSUSE Board Meeting
- April 24, 2010: Linuxwochen (Linuxtage Graz), Austria
- April 24, 2010: Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (FLISoL)
- April 24-25, 2010: LinuxFest Northwest 2010
- April 24-25, 2010: FOSSCOMM 2010, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- April 28, 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- You can find more informations on other events at:
- openSUSE News/Events – Local events
openSUSE for your ears
- The openSUSE Weekly News are available as Livestream or Podcast in the German Language. You can hear it or download it on
From Ambassadors
Agustin Chavarria: Conference in FLISOL Nicaragua 2010
- "The folks of the openSUSE Community in Nicaragua, are preparing a great event in the city of Granada, Nicaragua, in Central America.
- Now we have a schedule for that special day: (...)"
Chuck Payne: Texas Linux Fest
- "Here is my report for the Texas Linux Fest. I showed up at 7am, because I was told what when we could set up. Vendor couldn't set up until 9am. So since I was early didn't have a lot to do. I helped out set up tables and anything else they asked me to do."
- "Details"
Communication has 37229 (-33) non-unique subscribers to all mailing lists.
The openSUSE Forums have 44499 (+271) registered users - Most users ever online was 30559, 08-Jan-2010 at 13:06.
4517 (+35) of 11664 (+63) registered contributors in the User Directory have signed the Guiding Principles. The board has acknowledged 395 members.
New/Updated Applications @ openSUSE
Packman: KDoodle
- "KDoodle is a graphical frontend to doodle. It provides indexed lookups and automatic opening of a returned file as well as saving configuration files."
OBS: Barrage
- "Barrage is a rather violent action game with the objective to kill and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutes. The player controls a gun that may either fire small or large grenades at soldiers, jeeps and tanks. It is a very simple gameplay though it is not that easy to get high scores."
OBS: New Package for openSUSE: assuma (Association Subscribers Manager)
- "I’m pleased to announce the Version 3.2.0 of assuma. As known, you can install it through the openSUSE:Factory:Contrib and the KDE:KDE4:Community Repositories.
- Association Subscribers Manager is a Software for Clubs and Associatons. You can administrate your Members and all you need. The Projectsite is: . The OpenDesktop Site is:
- Have a lot of fun :-)"
OBS: new openSUSE Package: bleachbit 0.7.4
- "We are pleased to announce the new openSUSE Package bleachbit 0.7.4. What’s new? The following changes have been made since 0.7.3: (...)"
KDE-Apps: KDropbox 0.1.0
- "Kdropbox is a KDE frontend for Dropbox written in QT. Available as openSUSE Package, too."
Security Updates
To view the security announcements in full, or to receive them as soon as they're released, refer to the openSUSE Security Announce mailing list.
SUSE Security Summary Report: SUSE-SR:2010:009
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SR:2010:009
- Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:00:00 +0000
- Cross-References: CVE-2009-1570, CVE-2009-3909, CVE-2010-0132
- CVE-2010-0421, CVE-2010-0436, CVE-2010-0629
SUSE Security Announcement: Mozilla Firefox 3.5.9 (SUSE-SA:2010:021)
- Package:
- MozillaFirefox,MozillaThunderbird,seamonkey,mozilla-nss
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:021
- Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: openSUSE 11.0
- openSUSE 11.1
- openSUSE 11.2
- SLE SDK 10 SP2
- SLE SDK 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP2
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Kernel Review
KernelTrap: Linux: 2.6.34-rc4, "Hunting A Really Annoying VM Regression"
- ""It's been two weeks rather than the usual one, because we've been hunting a really annoying VM regression that not a lot of people seem to have seen, but I didn't want to release an -rc4 with it," began Linux creator Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.34-rc4 Linux kernel. He explained, "we had the choice of either reverting all the anon-vma scalability improvements, or finding out exactly what caused the regression and fixing it. And we got pretty close to the point where I was going to just revert it all." Linus continued: (...)"
h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: Kernel Log - Coming in 2.6.34 (Part 1) - Network Support
- "Expected for release in May, Linux kernel version 2.6.34 contains several new network drivers and various advancements designed to improve network performance or increase network configuration flexibility, which will particularly impact virtualisation."
LinuxWeeklyNews/Corbet: Kernel prepatch 2.6.34-rc4
- "The 2.6.34-rc4 prepatch is out, about a week later than would have been expected. The delay was the result of a nasty VM regression that we'll be covering separately. All told, some 500 fixes have been merged since -rc3; see the announcement for the short-form changelog, or see the full changelog for all the details."
Rares Aioanei: Weekly Kernel Review with openSUSE Flavor 15th Week
- "Guest Blog from: Rares Aioanei <>"
Tips and Tricks
For Desktop Users
Stefan Seyfried: Rearranging Accounts in Claws-Mail
- "I recently added a new account to my Claws-Mail configuration. That account will soon become one of my main accounts, so I was not happy about it being shown on the bottom of the folder list, below all my less important accounts.
- Using the GUI, I could not find a way to move it around. I already thought about manually changing the configuration, editing all the references for all accounts.
- Fortunately, when looking around the ~/.claws-mail directory that contains everything, I found folderlist.xml which is an easy to understand (and edit) XML file that describes how the folders are displayed. I did no fancy stuff, just moved the <folder type=”imap”…> … </folder> block, that corresponds to the new account up to the first place and voilá — it works.
- BTW: Claws-Mail is still my favourite email client after using it for over a year - that clearly is a new record ;)"
Free Software Magazine/Daniel Escasa: New-line search & replace in Writer -- the lazy way
- "I’ve been editing the Philippine Star Trek fans’ section of the New Worlds Alliance site for a few months now, and the contributors have been submitting their articles embedded in the email message. I actually prefer that to an attached file, because I can read the article right away, without having to open another application. When I’m ready to edit, I ask GMail to create a Google document out of it. Trouble is, the resulting file has hard new-line characters after every line, and a double new-line between paragraphs. I could cursor to the end of each line, delete it, and type in a space, but my inner sloth told me there had to be a better way."
For Commandline/Script Newbies
Joe Shaw: avchd to mp4/h264/aac conversion
- "I have a Canon HF200 HD video camera, which records to AVCHD format. AVCHD is H.264 encoded video and AC-3 encoded audio in a MPEG-2 Transport Stream (m2ts, mts) container. This format is not supported by Aperture 3, which I use to store my video.
- With Blizzard’s help, I figured out an ffmpeg command-line to convert to H.264 encoded video and AAC encoded audio in an MPEG-4 (mp4) container. This is supported by Aperture 3 and other Quicktime apps. (...)"
The Geek Stuff/Sasikala: Unix Bash Alias Tutorial – Handle Alias Command Like Jennifer Garner
- "While most of us cannot kick someone ass like Jennifer Garner in Alias, we can at least try to use the Linux alias command effectively.
- An alias command is simple string substitution of one text for another, when it is used as the first word of a simple command.
- In this article let us review how to set / unset bash aliases permanently and temporarily. Let us also review some useful bash alias examples that you can use in your bash startup files."
For Developers and Programmers
IBM developerWorks/Roderick W. Smith: Migrate to GRUB 2 - Transitioning to a new boot loader
- "To most people, boot loaders aren't the most exciting aspect of an operating system, but they are extraordinarily important. Without a functioning boot loader, nothing else works. Currently, a transition from the old Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) Legacy tool to the new GRUB 2 is underway. GRUB 2 is the default boot loader in Ubuntu 9.10, and it's an option in most other major Linux distributions. Sooner or later, other distributions will deploy GRUB 2 as the default boot loader."
For System Administrators Wallen: Luckybackup: Linux backup made easy
- "There are a lot of backup tools out there. From the overly simple to the overly complex. Many of those backup tools go unnoticed and unused. Some of them get recognized as the outstanding projects they are. One of those tools is Luckybackup. This tool was awarded Sourceforge’s best new project of 2009. There is a reason for that. Luckybackup is a simple to use backup tool that can backup both to a local machine and to a remote machine – with a user-friendly gui and all the features you would expect in a backup tool."
- Lackybackup packages for openSUSE are available via 1-Click install.
MakeTechEasier/Joshua Price: Choosing The Best Linux Filesystem For Your PC
- "If you’re a Linux user, you’ve likely been asked at some point if you want Ext3, Ext4, XFS, ReiserFS, Btrfs, or one of many other filesystem acronyms. This choice confuses new and old users alike, and like all software, the options change as technology improves. Many people probably don’t care what filesystem they use as long as it’s stable and reasonably fast, but how do you know which one that is? This guide will attempt to cover the basic differences between the most common options, and provide the pros and cons of each choice." Brockmeier: Ncat: The Network Swiss Army Knife
- "You may already be familiar with the cat utility, which can send files to standard input and output. Ncat does something similar, except it's for sending data over the network or accepting data to a local machine. In the right hands, ncat can be an extremely useful tool for system administration and troubleshooting.
- Setting up Ncat should be pretty easy. It's packaged for most major Linux distributions, so no compiling should be required. Depending on the distro, it might be packaged separately or as part of the Nmap suite. Ncat is part of the nmap package on Ubuntu 9.10, and is ncat on openSUSE. Note that you may also run into variations of ncat called Netcat and others. It has been implemented in a number of ways, but ncat is probably the most popular version in use today. (...)"
Planet SUSE
Mike McCallister: Reminder: Speaking to Milwaukee PHP User Group
- "If you happen to be in or near Milwaukee Tuesday, come see me at the MKE PHP User Group meeting. Here’s a news release I whipped up:
- WordPress is a powerful tool for self-expression, political intervention and business marketing. One of the more powerful things about it is the design that allows anyone to contribute add-in code to make WordPress more useful. In the WordPress community, “there’s a plugin for that” is as common a phrase as “there’s an app for that” in the iPhone world.
- On Tuesday, April 13 Michael McCallister, the West Allis-based co-author of WordPress in Depth (2010: Que), will appear at the Milwaukee PHP Users Group (MKE PUG) to discuss WordPress plugins: What they are and what they look like under the hood. Admission is free.
- The session will feature a brief review of the code behind a simple WordPress plugin, FollowMe. This popular plugin, written in PHP, places a small banner on a WordPress page that allows visitors to connect with the page author on Twitter."
Frank Karlitschek (karli): ownCloud status
- "I want to give you an overview about the stuff thats happening in ownCloud world. I released the beta 1 one month ago on gitorious and I´m thrilled by the positive response in the mean time."
openSUSE Forums
su or su - which?
- "An interesting question which may be on others minds too. So worthy of note as a reference here."
Browsers won't play Flash sound!?
- "Every now and then we have a user who has an issue here, one way or the other. Either sound and no video or as in this case, video but no sound. The solution was actually just to ensure the user setup multi-media from Packman and Packman alone!"
Configure Xen Virtualization
- "Sometimes an idea can go in one direction and later change to go in another. In this case, at the advice of some experienced users. Nevertheless, the OP did give Xen a shot."
What You do not like about openSUSE?
- "Don't be put off by the negative title. It can be good to discuss things this way. And there are some interesting comments in this thread so far, worthy of note at least. And potentially such comments can lead to improved development."
On the Web
Aaron Seigo: 2010 Plasma Javascript Jam Session Winners Announced
- "Submissions for the Plasma Javascript Jam Session closed at the end of March and the judging commenced, with the community joining the judging panel as a collective "5th member". Every Plasmoid that was submitted was a success and a joy to try out: congratulations to all of those who participated.
- It was a competition with prizes up for grabs, however, so we had to make the required tough calls and declare some winners. Without further ado, here are your 2010 Javascript Jam Session competition crown bearers!"
Call for participation
GNOME 3.0 cleanup: Call to module developers
- "I was recently asked (Czech link) “On a scale from 0 to 10 for GNOME 3 as planned to be where would the development be now?” My answer was “From my limited point of view currently a 7: Lots of work done, lots of work still to do.” And I started wondering: How much work is left in the cleanup area?
- Now that 2.30 is out module developers must spend some time now to get their module(s) ready for GNOME 3.0."
Security Blanket Technical Blog: File Systems
- "LINUX FILE SYSTEMS are an essential operating system resource. Modern file systems and disk drive technology are robust and reliable — so, most administrators put little effort into planning or worrying about them once the operating system is configured. This makes me both smile and cringe.
- I smile because the advancements in technology facilitate out-of-the-box reliability and performance for common installations regardless of the system administrator’s skills. The implementation allows applications which utilize them to be reliable and require little day-to-day maintenance."
CNET News/Dave Rosenberg: Linux: Strong and getting stronger
- "At the Linux Foundation's annual collaboration summit in San Francisco on Wednesday, Executive Director Jim Zemlin kicked off the event with some interesting perspectives on the state of the Linux marketplace today.
- The short version: Linux is going strong and getting stronger.
- According to Zemlin, the macro-economic trends have played to the strengths of Linux and open source. Few can dispute that Linux is cheaper to procure and run in comparison to proprietary platforms. This applies not only to end users but also to device manufacturers and development shops building platforms. "
LinuxPlanet/Sean Michael Kerner: Linux Kernel Devs: We Need New Blood
- "Are Linux kernel developers getting too old? That was a question raised during a panel discussion with kernel developers at the Linux Foundation's Collaboration Summit this week, as some admitted that there are a large number of 'graybeards' that make up kernel development. The graying of the kernel could put Linux development at risk unless new blood is brought into the fold, some warned. (...)"
Reviews and Essays
TechRadar/Graham Morrison: How to switch your small or home office to Linux - Save time and money with free, open source software
- "With Linux and free software making a name for itself in the world of big business, many people are testing the feasibility of switching small and home office software to their open source equivalents.
- Regardless of how you feel about the Linux desktop, this is one area in which Linux can have a real impact, both financially and productively, and any small or home office has the potential to be transformed by just switching one application or two to their open source equivalents. (...)"
US-CERT Cyber Security Alert SA10-103C -- Adobe Reader and Acrobat Vulnerabilities
- "Adobe has released updates to address this issue. You are encouraged to read Adobe Security Bulletin APSB10-09 and update vulnerable versions of Adobe Reader and Acrobat. Recent versions of Adobe Reader and Acrobat include an automatic update feature."
====Datamation/Oliver Widder: Tech Comics: "A Day in the Life of a Coder"====
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If you would like to be a part of the openSUSE Weekly news, then please send an email over to (you need to subscribe first). Or you can go to the channel #opensuse-newsletter on

- saigkill Talk - Contributions Sascha Manns (Editor in Chief)
- Dl9pf Talk - Contributions Jan-Simon Möller (Second Editor in Chief, Main-Newsletter)
- STS301 Talk - Contributions Sebastian Schöbinger (Tips/Tricks)
- HeliosReds Talk - Contributions Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
- Caf4926 Talk - Contributions Carl Fletcher (Main-Newsletter, Forums Sec.)
- Okuro Talk - Contributions Thomas Hofstätter (Events & Meetings)
- add translators