openSUSE:Board election 2019 platform AdaLovelace
Introduction and Biography
Contact Details edit
Contact Details
My contact details in short:
- Email: sarah.kriesch at
- IRC: Ada_Lovelace on
- My Blog is
- My Facebook
- My LinkedIn
- My openSUSE Userpage
- My Github
- My openSUSE Connect
Hi! I‘m Sarah Julia Kriesch, 32 years old, educated as a Computer Science Expert for System Integration, and currently studying Computer Science at the TH Nürnberg.
I am a Student at the TH Nürnberg leading the AG Open Source and Student Senator in the University Council. I am educating our Students in Linux and open source development basics together with my team. Our workshops have been open for students from all faculties since 2 years. My goal is to move our Faculty of Computer Science to the first open-source faculty in Germany. As the first step, we have published our first course on Github. I have been receiving the scholarship „Aufstiegsstipendium“ (translated „upgrading scholarship“) for students with work experience by the BMBF.
I have got 4 years of work experience as a Linux System Administrator in the Core System Administration (Monitoring) at 1&1 Internet AG/ United Internet and as a (Managing) Linux Systems Engineer for MRM Systems (SaaS) at BrandMaker. MRM Systems are systems for project management in Marketing (Marketing Ressource Management Systems). I have a DevOps background and try to combine my Operations skills from education with Development skills of my studies. I love to experiment with the latest technologies and share my experience then. I am enjoying the independent student life. I am in my last year of Bachelor studies now.
I started with German translations at openSUSE with half a year of work experience. I have been the Global Coordinator Localization since 3 years. I am communicating with the Localization Project Management by Microfocus/SUSE, resolve conflicts in the Translation team and coordinate all there. Most of you know me from oSCs (since 2011). I was Member of the Video Team, the Registration Desk and contributed as a Speaker. Since 2013 I am wiki maintainer in the German/ English wiki and admin there. Since 2014 I am an active Advocate in Germany. I give yearly (technical) presentations, organize booths and take part of different Open Source Events. Additionally, I make QA and other things. 2017 - 2019 I was an elected openSUSE Board Member and want to run for this position again (after a break about 1 year). ;)
I love openSUSE and pick up tasks if I see something to do where I can help. Free periods are reserved for openSUSE Contributions. If somebody asks me for technical help (unimportant whether programming, infrastructure or communication), I‘ll try to find a solution. I learned to work agile (Scrumban in System Administration) which I want to transfer to my teams in open source projects.
Aims, Goals, Thoughts
- I further the topic with the Foundation for openSUSE. That was an idea by myself during my last period in the openSUSE Board, too. We need a foundation as a hedge if anything would happen and that we can decide for ourselves.
- A better public representation of openSUSE.That has flagged after the last Board election and my leaving there. That has to be reanimated.
- I want to have more users outside from Germany. We need good mirrors of openSUSE for getting users there.
- I want to be open for cooperations with other Linux/ Open Source projects.
None of the above is meant as criticism towards the current board or previous ones. The openSUSE Project is and will be a work in progress.
Role of the board
My destination is to have happy users and developers. That‘s what I want to achieve as an Advocate and (perhaps) as a Board Member in the future again.
We should live freedom in the community. Everybody should do what he prefers. I don‘t like bossing. But I want to help in leadership with coordination and solutions where needed.
I have many friends in the Board and at openSUSE in general. Therefore, the election can only be a success for the community.
Why you should vote for me?
- I know most important people in the community.
- I like new technologies and learning.
- I learned coordination, which I can use as a Board Member, too.
- I am educated by communities.
- I have got an education in information technology and my studies in Computer Science.
- I am staying behind openSUSE and the name as a branding.
- I contribute to different parts of the project (technical and non-technical).
- I have got a big open-source network (openSUSE, other Linux communities, ownCloud, GUUG, …).
- I have got international work experience.
- I love openSUSE.
If you have any, please leave them below, you have my gratitude.