openSUSE:Board election 2013 platform ishwon

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Note: Ish Sookun's 2013 Board election plateform

Introduction and Biography

Hello folks. I am Ish Sookun from Mauritius. I started playing with Linux some 12 years ago while the Internet connection was still primitive on the country. I used to travel around the island to get hold of a copy of Linux. I started evangelizing openSUSE 3.5 years ago.

The openSUSE community has taught me a lot. I've seen how folks have been organizing conferences, launch parties etc around the world. I've tried doing the same in Mauritius.

Past events include :

Upcoming events :

Major Issues

Please list any issues you feel are of a high priority that need to be addressed by the Board and how you would like to address them should you be elected

Minor Issues

Please list any issues you feel are of a medium/low priority that could be addressed by the Board and how you would like to address them should you be elected

Role of the board

Please describe your vision for the Board and how you would like to see the Board shaped under your tenure

Why you should vote for me?


Please list your aims and goals for both the openSUSE project and also the openSUSE distribution. You may highlight specific projects within openSUSE or sow the seed for new ones.


Room for your supporters to leave a word about you