openSUSE Slowroll uses a modified version of openSUSE Tumbleweed to give a little more stability to users who don‘t want the bleeding edge but also don’t want to wait 12 months for a minor release or 3 to 4 years for a major release like openSUSE Leap. With big updates once per month, and continous bug fixes and security fixes as they come in, Slowroll finds a perfect balance for those who simply don’t want to be forced to choose!
Currently, Slowroll is still in an experimental phase so please be mindful of any bugs, glitches or any graphics that may tie in to another version of openSUSE.
You can download an ISO of Slowroll here or you can use the new Agama Installer
For migration from an existing Leap or Tumbleweed installation, follow the steps below.

zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/slowroll/repo/oss/ leap-to-slowroll
As root run all the following command at once:
shopt -s globstar && TMPSR=$(mktemp -d) && zypper --pkg-cache-dir=${TMPSR} download openSUSE-repos-Slowroll && zypper modifyrepo --all --disable && zypper install ${TMPSR}/**/openSUSE-repos-Slowroll*.rpm && zypper dist-upgrade
Default repositories should be as following:
update-slowroll enabled URL:http://download.opensuse.org/update/slowroll/repo/oss repo-non-oss enabled URL:http://download.opensuse.org/slowroll/repo/non-oss repo-openh264 enabled URL:http://codecs.opensuse.org/openh264/openSUSE_Tumbleweed repo-oss enabled URL:http://download.opensuse.org/slowroll/repo/oss repo-oss-debug disabled URL:http://download.opensuse.org/debug/slowroll/repo/oss repo-oss-source disabled URL:http://download.opensuse.org/source/slowroll/repo/oss
We do not recommend using development repos and packages on top, unless those are specifically compiled for Slowroll. Third party repositories which are not tested with Tumbleweed might break your installation.
Packman might work, but might also break occasionally. There is a special packman repository for Slowroll:
zypper ar --refresh -p 70 http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Slowroll/Essentials/ packman
Optional packman repository:
Keep Slowroll upgraded
Like Tumbleweed, use zypper dup to upgrade.
Should you want to help - The link to the OBS-Project is available here. However, most updates are automated via scripts, so sending a PR there could get you further.
Also join the subreddit and dev meeting.
Q. Why is the Slowroll Build 19.13 ISO just a Tumbleweed Install?
We are unsure at this time
The DVD should work fine.
The NET isos are still WIP and will install an old Tumbleweed snapshot (if you keep online repos off) so you need to do 'zypper in openSUSE-repos-Slowroll' before installing anything.
- Rolling release
Tumbleweedrolling - Slowroll release
Slowrollbeta - Immutable server releases
MicroOSserverLeap Microserver - Immutable desktop releases
AeonbetaKalpaalpha - PreAlpha regular release
Leap 16.0pre-alpha - Latest regular release
Leap 15.6stable - Old regular release
Leap 15.5old stable