Leap 16.0 is based on the currently developed concept of the next-gen solutions from SUSE called Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) and a full release date is TBD, however it is currently in Pre Alpha testing and can be installed using Agama. Users can expect the Release of Leap 16.0 in 2025.
These requirements are specifically for Leap 16.0 Alpha.
Some of the requirements were gathered as part of the Leap-next Desktop workshop.
Under construction!
Adapting plan based on https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/thread/GP3HOWFEDARRA6KZYFS6MOJEQX4SD5ZE/
- Rolling release
Tumbleweedrolling - Slowroll release
Slowrollbeta - Immutable server releases
MicroOSserverLeap Microserver - Immutable desktop releases
AeonbetaKalpaalpha - PreAlpha regular release
Leap 16.0pre-alpha - Latest regular release
Leap 15.6stable - Old regular release
Leap 15.5old stable