FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications. FluidSynth can read MIDI events from a MIDI input device and render them to an audio device using SoundFont(R) instruments. SoundFont(R) files are composed of digital audio "samples" and additional instrument parameters. These files can be created or downloaded off the Internet. FluidSynth also has support for controlling effects in real time and can play MIDI files.
FluidSynth is included on openSUSE installation media, so use YaST or zypper to install it. You may want to install Qsynth GUI frontend to FluidSynth, that can be found in Packman repositories.
The default installation has no soundfonts so you have to download some. A good source is http://www.personalcopy.com/home.htm where one can find Unison.sf2.gz and PersonalCopy 5.1f.sf2.gz.
Play MIDI music
In console
fluidsynth -a alsa -l <soundfont_file> <midi file to play>
- Man pages in text mode terminal or GUI console.
- Man pages using Konqueror by typing in Location input field man:fluidsynth.
- /usr/share/doc/packages/fluidsynth
See Also
External Links
DISCLAIMER: SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc.