Archive:Weekly news 147
Editors Note
- We are pleased to announce our 147 issue of the openSUSE Weekly News.
- We hope that you will enjoy reading.
Thanks for your participation at the openSUSE Conference
"A lot of people have been involved with the openSUSE Conference and I’ve heard a lot of people saying thanks for a great conference. This is supported by 290 attendees visiting our conference, listened to a number of talks, enjoyed a high quality program and even more important met people face to face and had a lot of fun. The conference as it took place last week wouldn’t have been possible without our community participating, sending in good talks and a number of folks preparing everything. Of the latter ones let me point out some:
From the Developer to the User and back – Announcing Project Bretzn
"At the openSUSE conference Frank Karlitschek, KDE e.V. board member and well known for his projects like GetHotNewStuff,, announced a new project during his keynote. The title: “From the Developer to the User and Back; or Project Bretzn”. A Bretzn is a kind of pretzel in Germany and what the name means in practice became only clear at the end of the keynote… (...)"
openSUSE Conference big success
"“Collaboration Across Borders” – Under this moto the openSUSE Community received in Nuremberg several hundreds of Free Software enthusiasts and contributors. Giving a strong statement to it’s moto, the openSUSE Conference received ambassadors from the Fedora Project and Debian Project as well as people from Mandriva/Mageia, Slackware, Skolelinux and many other distributions. Moreover, many downstream projects presented their work, seeking cooperation with the openSUSE community. (...)"
Status Updates
Schedules for the next Week
"5. November 2010: Milestone: snapshot release without agenda. We release it once we have several new key components in."
Important links:
SUSE Studio
Featured - Illumination Software Creation Station
"Yes it's that time of the week again when we have another featured appliance! This week's winner of our Amazon gift card is Illumination Software Creation Station created by Bryan Lunduke."
Building XFCE4 desktop with SUSE Studio
"We recently added automagic recognition and start-up of several more window managers such as windowmaker and fvwm2 into Studio, but XFCE4 is still missing from the list. One reason for this is that it simply doesn't work out of the box without a few tweaks. This is easy to do in Studio and in this post I'll explain step-by-step how to build an openSUSE 11.3 appliance with XFCE4. If you are already familiar with building appliances in Studio, just skip to the summary section at the end for the list of steps. (...)"
New Amazon EC2 build format
"Regular users of SUSE Studio have probably discovered the new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) build format that we sneaked in last week. It was available for openSUSE 11.3 only, and today we released it for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1 as well. Support for SLES 10 SP3 will be available next week. (...)"
Gold rush
"Inventive minds have built and submitted their appliance to SUSE Gallery in the quest to win 10000$ and fame within the community. With the contest coming soon to a close, you can also submit your appliance before the 1st of November and win the big prize! (...)"
Team Reports
Build Service Team
Build Team Meeting
Build Team Meeting Minutes.
Klaas Freitag: A new Flavor: openSUSE Invis Server
"Beside many other amazing things which happened at the openSUSE Conference 2010, Stefan Schäfer gave a talk about his project called Invis Server. It is a very specific server solution for the small and medium business, based on the openSUSE distribution. The Invis Server is perfect software for all production installations in small business use cases, also to be maintained by consultants in that space.
All needed services such as printing, mail, web and file server, database and groupware are there and get preconfigured at installation. For daily operation in the users network, there is a simple yet powerful web interface.
In the discussion after the presentation it turned out that Stefan would be fine with moving the Invis Server Project nearer to the openSUSE project and get a larger community find together to power up the project on openSUSE distributions."
Build Service Statistics
Statistics can be found at
Mono Team
Lluis Sanchez: NGit
"One of the features we want to include in the next MonoDevelop release is integrated support of Git. I committed a first version of a git add-in some months ago which works by invoking the git command and parsing the results. This solution satisfied some basic needs (Mono was moving to git at that time), but it was done as a short term solution, since parsing git output is not very reliable, and has portability issues.
openFATE Team
#310744: Add a overall download progress showing to Zypper
"Sorry for the horrible english in title :D Can't find the right way to say it. My point is, that currently Zypper shows only the progress of current package download. Wouldn't it be nice if we'd also see the overall download progress? I have a few other people who also asked that, so I thought it'd be a good idea to suggest."
#310747: radiotray in an opensuse repository
"Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux system tray. Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible, making it very straightforward to use. Radio Tray is not a full featured music player, there are plenty of excellent music players already. However, there was a need for a simple application with minimal interface just to listen to online radios. And that's the sole purpose of Radio Tray.
Radio Tray is Free Software, licensed under the GPL.
Website: "
#310752: I need to know what I am missing
"When one does an upgrade install (or even an overlay install), it would be Really Useful to use the output of $(rpm --query --all) on the previous installation in order to select packages for the next installation. Clearly you cannot guarantee getting them all and there are so many reasons why. Stillandall, various packages that I use all the time are on the repos but not installed until I trip over them and fire up Yast to go fix the issue. So, my suggestion is this:
- make a better effort to install packages from the repo (e.g. guile-devel, gperf-devel, etc.)
- where you cannot do it, leave behind information about the omitted packages in some well-named file (e.g. /var/log/missing-packages.txt) so I can tell straight away what I still have to install. This way, I don't have to go stub a toe to find out."
#310758: Multitouch input layer from X.Org Server 1.10 for opensuse 11.4
"A request for the multi-touch support to be included in opensuse 11.4 via Multi-Pointer-X, due to be rolled into Server 1.10 in mid February 2011. (...)"
#310762: Enhanced package dependency solver database
"We suggest to have a web based sat-solver engine providing dependency resolution from a well known API server, e.g.
This service should have solve files for as many repositories as possible from many different build services or other package providers. The service is similar to the existing webpin service, but should be powered by a much faster engine, and should provide an API usable by YAST, zypper and friends. (...)"
#310764: Install with YaST as user
"For centrally managed systems it would be really cool to be able to install programs locally using the package manager. Currently it's possible to install programs as a normal user but only using the terminal and with several disadvantages - one major one is that you're stuck with basically a static snapshot of the systemwide installations from the point you begin installing on. If it were possible to use YaST to install programs as a user while still being connected to the systemwide RPM databank it would be a lot more user friendly and effective."
#310765: include PiTiVi - video editor
"nclude PiTiVi - video editor. Website PiTiVi is a free, intuitive and featureful movie editor for the Linux desktop."
Feature statistics for openSUSE 11.4
More information on openFATE
Translation Team
- Daily updated translation statistics are available on the openSUSE Localization Portal.
- Trunk Top-List – Localization Guide
In the Community
openSUSE TV: openSUSE conference impression
"A quick impression of walking around at the openSUSE conference. First Vincent Untz and Cornelius Schumacher working on their keynote talking about it with Sirko "Gnokii" Kemter , Andrew Wafaa and Jos Poortvliet (behind the cam). Later on walking through the area during the break."
openSUSE TV: Chat with Colin and Will
"A quick chat at the openSUSE conference with Colin Guthrie and Will Stephenson."
openSUSE TV: Introducing openSUSE Ambassadors
"Several of the openSUSE ambassadors introduce themselves in this video to the openSUSE conference visitors!"
openSUSE TV: Harald at the openSUSE conference party
"A quick chat with Harald at the openSUSE conference party. Please note that there was beer at the party which might have influenced both interviewer and interviewee."
Jos Poortvliet: openSUSE Conference 2010 Impression
"For those who couldn’t make it to the actual event, here is a little impression of the openSUSE conference. Of course, the many blogs on planet openSUSE and the cool special conference section in the latest openSUSE Weekly News have already given most of you a taste.
However, there’s always more to be had and videos are a great way to share the atmosphere of a conference. So without further ado, here is a short video showing the hard work by Cornelius Schumacher and Vincent Untz being criticized by Sirko “gnokii” Kemter, Andrew Wafaa and your humble writer; and some walking around at the conference during the break. (...)"
Jos Poortvliet: Little conf video...
"Wednesday night at the conf center we had some beers and discussed them - I recorded a quick video of Leinir, Frank, Chani and myself there which is surely silly enough to be worth sharing with the world :D
Meanwhile I am trying to get more video's and articles out but NOW I need to get to the train to go home to NL...
Will blog and write more later ;-)
If you want some oSC video's NOW, check what Will has been recording, or the openSUSE channel."
Thomas Biege: Secure Development Workshop at Nuremberg
"My last working week was really busy and started at Sunday noon because I was in Nuremberg to hold a web-security workshop for my colleagues at Monday morning. Traveling at Sunday feels a bit strange, no business people, but much party people with hangovers. OOo Impress hung X completely by eating up all available resources. Nevertheless the live sessions worked better than expected and seem to be the salt in the stale slide soup.
The "it-sa Sicherheitsmesse" (security trade show), OWASP conference, and the openSUSE conference were the overlapping highlights of this week. Unfortunately I missed the OWASP conference... :(
This week is the last chance to do web-application penetration-testing of in-house products before I have to take over the incidents handling next Tuesday.
I still need to find a good way to bring threat modeling and secure development to Web 2.0 without using bloated text documents and reusing text blocks all the time."
Nelson Marques: openSUSE Conference – Aftermath
"I arrived to Nuremberg on thursday evening. The first person I’ve identified after arriving into the Hotel was Sirko, commonly referred as ‘gnokii’. Luckily I’ve managed to get the last ride to Lizards Lounge. Stupid me… I didn’t knew that the Lizard’s Lounge was a bar, neither that openSUSE had it own beer… and it tasted cool, even for a Portuguese who doesn’t consume beer besides Kasteel.
On the Lizard’s Lounge, it was awesome, even without knowing anyone, people were friendly and this was also where I got my very own first shock! The problem for me that day was that I had left Portugal very early and arrived in Germany very late… I was without sleeping for that night and very tired… eventually ended up by going back to the Hotel. Sirko’s directions were awesome and I’ve made my back safe.
Friday was awesome! I’ve met Nuno Pinheiro from oxygen, a fellow Portuguese and made much more friendships. I also found out I was considered a ‘controversial’ person… Well… now that some of you know me and have contacted with me, maybe I’m not such a monster… anyway, I’m still very vertical and sometimes pop a conflictive speech. I apologize, it’s a language thing… being thinking in Portuguese and translating on real time, it’s sometimes a pain, specially with native english speakers. (...)"
Jos Poortvliet: Catching up
"Currently catching up to things after the openSUSE conference. It was awesome but I had over 1000 unread mails, hundreds of planet posts to look at - luckily I have managed to catch up to sleep ;-)
I just released the Conference impression article on - read it if you want a little taste of the conference. Personally, I can say it has added a second highlight to the conference year for me. I go to lots of things like LinuxTag, FOSDEM and many developer sprints. However, the yearly Akademy meeting has always been a lone wolf for me - in that it is so much better than anything else there is nothing comparable. Now there is. The atmosphere and energy of the openSUSE conference, while different, is certainly on the same level and I've heard the same from several other (KDE and GNOME and even other distribution) people. I already look forward to the next openSUSE conference - like I look forward to the next Desktop Summit... (...)"
Sirko Kemter: Slides
"As I promised in my blogposts about openSUSE Conference before, I publish my slides from the first evening with the movies and of course I give the URLs to the movies. First the slides its svg and so you can use your browser to see them. (...)"
Jos Poortvliet: oSC successful? Absolutely!
"Just a quick note: I'm very proud of the very successful openSUSE conference and wanted to spread that word ;-)
Seriously, the "collaboration across borders" theme has worked out incredibly well. We even have a Red Hat developer with his own Build Service Project now. And I heard whispers about Mageia pondering the use of OBS as well. Awesome!
I know, I know, we didn't fork any big projects - well, actually, we had the first LibreOffice conference tracks there - it's becoming a real open source project, finally. Getting rid of pesky code attribution stuff has taken down a huge barrier. (meanwhile OpenOffice keeps crashing on my laptop. Which is OK, I used KPresenter for my presentation - too bad Beta 2 introduced the audience to ODF tags in the slides hehe) (...)"
Events & Meetings
- November 6, 2010: Brandenburger Linuxinfotag (Germany)
- November 10-12, 2010: Latinoware 2010 (Brazil)
- November 13-14, 2010: OpenRheinRuhr (Germany)
- You can find more informations on other events at:
openSUSE for your ears
- The openSUSE Weekly News are available as Livestream or Podcast in the German Language. You can hear it or download it on
From Ambassadors
Michael Schloh von Bennewitz: House party report
"This relates to applying the lessons learned from last week's conference.
- Event: Generic house party
- Date: 24 October 2010
- Location: Munich
...I was the only software engineer.
There was no formal presentation, because this was a nontechnical party. However, I did tell the story of Konrad ZUSE and a few things about networks, business, home computing, and how OpenSUSE fits in.
I was able to generate interest in OpenSUSE by deemphasizing the fact that the DVDs can be installed, and by emphasizing that they can be used in a nondestructive manner. My suggestion was:
'Keep the DVD in view next to the computer, and use it from time to time when you suspect that your installed operating system is not performing correctly.'
If you'd like to know why I chose this strategy, please ask."
Chuck Payne: We are Geeko ( Second Calling)
"Lights, Camera, Action!
Hello. This is the second call to all openSUSE Ambassadors. We are working on a video to add to the wiki and to show that we are golbal community.
We did one already that was shown at OSC10, but we didn't get a lot of people as you can see.
(Thanks Koushik Nundy for uploading this to You Tube)
We want more. (...)"
Stathis Iosifidis: openSUSE Greek community on Internet tv channel
"The Internet tv channel named Trupokarudos ( made a report about FOSS and the communities.
Kostas Koudaras had an interview with the reporter and he presented our work and the advantages of openSUSE community. You can watch the video
The whole video is here:
We thank Trupokarudos for the invitation.
PS: The video is in Greek because it's focusing to the Greek audience."
Nelson Marques: «event» - local school brainstorm...
"During November {22,23,26} I'll be giving a small introduction to Free Software and GNU/Linux in the local high school.
This will cover 43 students on the IT branch. Regarding the event itself it's organized as follows (it's pretty much informal): (...)"
Stathis Iosifidis: openSUSE 11.3 Thessaloniki,GR rock party
"Some of you wonder:
Are they crazy? 11.3 was out last summer and they do a launch party now?
Non Greeks-marketing team say:
PERFECT. They celebrate the 11.3 on 11.3 (November 3rd).
But party addict think:
PERFECT. Time to party. Time to ROCK...
For all of you, get up from chairs, beds, armchairs, divans, Ubunteros, Fedoratos. Mint, arch, debian, gentoo, mandriva, slackware and rest windows user, we wait you to celebrate and rock together.
- DATE: November 3rd (11.3)
- TIME:22.00
- MAP:
- "Details"
New/Updated Applications @ openSUSE
Security Updates
To view the security announcements in full, or to receive them as soon as they're released, refer to the openSUSE Security Announce mailing list.
SUSE Security Summary Report: SUSE-SR:2010:019
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SR:2010:019
- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 13:00:00 +0000
- Cross-References: CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2010-1172, CVE-2010-1321
- CVE-2010-1322, CVE-2010-1626, CVE-2010-1848
- CVE-2010-1849, CVE-2010-1850, CVE-2010-2522
- CVE-2010-2523, CVE-2010-2883, CVE-2010-2884
- CVE-2010-2887, CVE-2010-2889, CVE-2010-2890
- CVE-2010-2935, CVE-2010-2936, CVE-2010-2947
- CVE-2010-3053, CVE-2010-3054, CVE-2010-3069
- CVE-2010-3072, CVE-2010-3311, CVE-2010-3433
- CVE-2010-3541, CVE-2010-3548, CVE-2010-3549
- CVE-2010-3550, CVE-2010-3551, CVE-2010-3552
- CVE-2010-3553, CVE-2010-3554, CVE-2010-3555
- CVE-2010-3556, CVE-2010-3557, CVE-2010-3558
- CVE-2010-3559, CVE-2010-3560, CVE-2010-3561
- CVE-2010-3562, CVE-2010-3563, CVE-2010-3565
- CVE-2010-3566, CVE-2010-3567, CVE-2010-3568
- CVE-2010-3569, CVE-2010-3570, CVE-2010-3571
- CVE-2010-3572, CVE-2010-3573, CVE-2010-3574
- CVE-2010-3619, CVE-2010-3620, CVE-2010-3621
- CVE-2010-3622, CVE-2010-3623, CVE-2010-3624
- CVE-2010-3625, CVE-2010-3626, CVE-2010-3627
- CVE-2010-3628, CVE-2010-3629, CVE-2010-3630
- CVE-2010-3631, CVE-2010-3632, CVE-2010-3656
- CVE-2010-3657, CVE-2010-3658, CVE-2010-3677
- CVE-2010-3678, CVE-2010-3681, CVE-2010-3682
- CVE-2010-3683, CVE-2010-3996
SUSE Security Announcement: Linux kernel (SUSE-SA:2010:053)
- Package: kernel
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:053
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: openSUSE 11.2
- openSUSE 11.3
- Vulnerability Type: local privilege escalation
- CVSS v2 Base Score: 7.2 (AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
- SUSE Default Package: yes
SUSE Security Announcement: glibc (SUSE-SA:2010:052)
- Package: glibc
- Announcement ID: SUSE-SA:2010:052
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 09:00:00 +0000
- Affected Products: openSUSE 11.1
- openSUSE 11.2
- openSUSE 11.3
- SLE SDK 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP1
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP1
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
Kernel Review
Rares Aioanei: Kernel Weekly News
As near every week Rares has prepared some interesting stuff for us.
Tips and Tricks
For Desktop Users
Packt/Aaron W. Powell: Lighting an Outdoor Scene in Blender
"Lighting techniques are highly dependent on the location of the scene at hand. The approaches to lighting an outdoor scene are radically different from the techniques used to light an indoor scene. Knowing these differences and when to use each is important when aiming for a believable result. (...)" Willis: Generating barcodes with KBarcode
"Sometimes alphanumeric text simply won’t cut it, and you need a bar code — mailing labels, security badges, inventory tracking, perhaps even URL-encoding for mobile phones. With KBarcode, you can use a simple desktop application to both generate and print several dozen different barcode types, on any sort of physical media. (...)"
LinuxInsider/Jack M. Germain: Caught on Video: 2 Tools for Linux Screen-Session Recording
"If creating desktop demos is a common job for you, and if you want a better way to present the information than using a webcam or a cellphone, a screen session recording app is in order. RecordMyDesktop is a breeze, but another, Istanbul, seems to have problems on several different distro/hardware combos, ranging from not stopping when told to necessitating a total OS reboot. (...)"
For Commandline/Script Newbies
Linuxaria: Globbing with zsh
"In a previous article we saw how to install and configure zsh, today we’ll see in detail the options offered by the zsh for globbing or how the shell use some special characters to auto-complete our commands.
Please note: most command you’ll see here could be accomplished with particular switch of the command, for example ls with -r do a recursive search, but the goal of this article is to just use the shell, so our goal will be to accomplish the same result but just with the power of zsh globbing. (...)"
For Developers and Programmers
Nettuts+/Andrew Burgess: Ruby for Newbies: Variables, Datatypes, and Files
"Ruby is a one of the most popular languages used on the web. We’ve recently started a new screencast series here on Nettuts+ that will introduce you to Ruby, as well as the great frameworks and tools that go along with Ruby development. Today, we’ll look at the basic Ruby datatypes, as well as using variables and storing your Ruby code in files. (...)"
For System Administrators
ServerWatch/Joe Brockmeier: Using Strace to Trace Problems
"Having trouble figuring out why Apache isn't starting, or another program is crashing and burning, and the logfiles are giving no clue? Time to reach for strace.
Planet SUSE
OMG!SUSE! team: Adios openSUSE 11.1!
"This past summer, the openSUSE project discontinued support for openSUSE 11.0 which was first released over two years ago. The team is now preparing to end-of-life the 11.1 release of openSUSE according to resident security and alliteration expert: Marcus Meissner who mailed the opensuse-announce to say:
SUSE Security announces that the SUSE Security Team will stop releasing updates for openSUSE 11.1 soon. Having provided security-relevant fixes for the last two years, we will stop releasing updates after December 31st 2010.
The discontinuation of 11.1 means that ISOs for the release will be removed from the openSUSE download directories and the build service will no longer build packages for the release. (...)"
Han Wen Kam: My Mac-SUSE Journey - Part 1
"After many months of consideration and research, I bought a brand new MacBook Pro 13" in early October. I needed a handy appliance where I can do Photos, Movies, Music, browse the web... iPhone is too small, iPad is nice but not computationally powerful or mature/proven. After spending close to 4 weeks on my Macbook Pro (version 7,1), I'm a very happy customer. (...)"
Han Wen Kam: My Mac-SUSE Journey - Part 2
"This is Part 2 of how I got openSUSE 11.3 (64-bit) working fully on a MacBook Pro 13" (2010 model). Here is the link to Part 1.First, here are some shots of booting up MacBook Pro into openSUSE 11.3, taken from my old Nokia phone camera (and transferred via bluetooth to my MacSUSE): (...)"
Holger Hetterich: SMB Traffic Analyzer 1.0 released
"Finally, after about a year of development (with longer pauses, a newborn daughter and many other things …), a complete rewrite, and several major design changes, the development team celebrates the release of SMB Traffic Analyzer 1.0. We think the project has now matured enough to come up with a first version, and to be used as a base for our future work. (...)"
Michael Meeks: More API copyright nonsense
- Boggled at Oracle's amended complaint against Google. Havn't investigated the verbatim code copying claims in detail - which are of course fair game for copyright enforcement - but what interests me -far- more are the API copyright claims:
- As I wrote before, I believe that Java has rather weak patent protection, not being particularly innovative or novel really - rather a collection of existing techniques packed together into one (useful) package. With a load of design artefacts in the API that can be claimed as in some sense 'novel' though of little intrinsic technical merit. I wrote a long screed on the background to this: Why Oracle's Java Copyrights Might Matter in August. As I also wrote before: I am not a Lawyer, and have no very deep understanding of the Java situation. (...)"
openSUSE Forums
Can't find Dell Mini Card wireless drivers
- "I can't recall exactly how many Dell wireless questions we had this week, it's like Dell had some big sell off. This is typical of some seen."
Packman _64 package Issues.
- "Worthy of note this. It's quite a regular occurrence where package updates in Packman are not complete, often 64 bit versions are missing for a day or two. It causes havoc for _64 users, especially if you are just completing a new install, you'll have to wait a day or two to get your multi-media going."
Amarok Crashing
- "Fairly certain at this point, that we identified another bug/issue related to the latest nVidia driver update. Watch this space..."
nVidia 260.19 driver issues
- "This was a big issue of the week, at least it was for KDE users. Darn, it would be nice if the old drivers were available in the repo, well at least some of them!"
On the Web
MeeGo 1.1 Release
"Today we are announcing the project release of MeeGo 1.1. It provides a solid baseline for device vendors and developers to start creating software for various device categories on Intel Atom* and ARMv7 architectures. (...)"
Last Week in Amarok
"This new series of articles was inspired by Boudewijn Rempt's great "Last Week in Krita". Thank you Boud, for giving us the idea :-)
Please enjoy an overview of current Amarok development. Things are moving at a crazy fast speed currently, and Amarok 2.4 is going to rock hard, I can promise you that. Here is what we did last week: (...)"
LinuxPlanet/David North: What's The Fastest Linux Filesystem On Cheap Flash Media?
"Flash drives and SD Cards are getting bigger, faster and cheaper. They're not just for sucking down snaps from your pocket camera any more: they're backup storage, portable homedirs, netbook expansion ... you name it.
Most arrive with a VFAT filesystem, and usually stay that way. But for a lot of applications, this is not ideal. Curious if the filesystem made any difference, we did what Feynman would have done: tested some. (...)" Humphries: New technology allows copper wire to handle 825Mbps data speeds
"Network providers face a never-ending battle to keep up with demand from users for bandwidth while at the same time increasing the speed of their overall networks. One of the major limiting factors is that many networks still rely on copper wire rather than the superior fiber optic cabling. The networks therefore have to choose when to make the very expensive upgrade to fiber optic, and where those upgrades should happen first.
Thanks to some new technological breakthroughs, however, copper wire may be making a comeback. Current download speeds offered to end users range from 2Mbps-50Mbps, but we are all looking towards 100Mbps as the next milestone. While you may think fiber optic would be required for that, Nokia Siemens Networks has managed to employ phantom circuits to boost data-carrying capacity over copper wire to as much as 825Mbps over short distances of around 400 meters. (...)"
h-online: KDevelop 4.1 adds Git support
"Following more than one thousand commits after version 4.0 arrived earlier this year, the KDevelop development team has released the first point update to the 4.x branch of its C++ integrated development environment (IDE). According to the developers, the latest version of the open source IDE includes several performance improvements, a number of new features and addresses more than 150 bugs found in the previous release.
KDevelop 4.1 can now publish changes using email, pastebin or ReviewBoard and features the addition of native support for the Git distributed version control system – version 4.0 already included SVN and CVS integration. The current release also includes various new plug-ins that allow users to, for example, run arbitrary shell commands or external tools directly from inside the IDE via the external scripts plug-in. Other changes include support for PHP 5.3, Hex Editor updates and a function that allows users to import remote projects and start working on them directly. (...)"
Security Advisory for Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader and Acrobat
"A critical vulnerability exists in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris operating systems; Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android; and the authplay.dll component that ships with Adobe Reader 9.4 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX operating systems, and Adobe Acrobat 9.4 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows and Macintosh operating systems. (...)"
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- saigkill Talk - Contributions Sascha Manns (Editor in Chief)
- STS301 Talk - Contributions Sebastian Schöbinger (Tips/Tricks)
- HeliosReds Talk - Contributions Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
- Caf4926 Talk - Contributions Carl Fletcher (Main-Newsletter, Forums Sec.)
- Okuro Talk - Contributions Thomas Hofstätter (Events & Meetings)
- add translators