openSUSE:Kernel of the day

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People interested in openSUSE and kernel development probably know about the existence of the Kernel Of The Day (KOTD). This is the latest and greatest code from the Kernel Git repository that is built once a day and synced out to The intention of the KOTD is to ease the testing and running of development snapshots that likely become the next maintenance update.

If that is not bleeding edge enough for you, you can try our daily linux-next builds. Here is the linux-next project page

This is the one-click through process to get set up with the linux-next package:

Following Kernel of the Day

To automatically track the latest version of KOTD follow these steps:

1) Add the and enable the KOTD repo using zypper. e.x.

zypper ar KOTD

2) Tell zypper to allow you to have two or more Kernels installed at once by editing /etc/zypp/zypp.conf and adding:

 multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel)

3) Install the latest kernel-default package for your machine. There are various flavors for each architecture but kernel-default is common. e.x.

zypper install -r KOTD kernel-default

4) Reboot into the new Kernel. Please ensure you select the correct version at the bootloader menu. Also, if you get an "invalid signature" error at boot for the new kernel, you will have to either disable Secure Boot in the UEFI (NOT recommended) or sign the new kernel with a certificate following this procedure.

NOTE: To keep your machine from automatically upgrading, change the priority of the KOTD repo above the priority of the other repos

zypper mr -p 100 KOTD

Testing Kernel of the Day

Testing the KOTD in parallel with your currently installed Kernel can be useful to figure out if a bug is fixed upstream already. Follow these steps to install KOTD along side your current Kernel

1) Install the latest kernel alongside your current kernel:


rpm -i --force \


rpm -i  --force \

2) Reboot into the new Kernel. Please ensure you select the correct version at the bootloader menu.