openSUSE:Board election 2012 platform chuckpayne
I am want to bring my experience working on the Southeast Linux Fest board to openSUSE. Over the pass year, I got to work with many other distro and I have picked up a lot tips and subjects that I think can help openSUSE.
One thing I like to bring openSUSE and if I don't make it to the board that someone will work on it. I like to see either a quaterly or monthly magazine for the openSUSE Community. I like to see openSUSE start a serial of e-books for new users and promote more videos for users.
I also love to work with SUSE and get the foundation up running next year. Plus, I know many members for around the globe and I love working with each and everyone.
Introduction and Biography
Many people know me as Terror PUP. My real nick is PUP, and the terror came for when I was in College when I wrote a serials poems on Lycanthropes. I was DJ on the campus radio stations and I took the nick and used there and it has stuck with me ever since.
I 45 years old, I been working in the computer field since I was 25, were I started at help desk doing pc installs. Over my 20 years, I have done graphic design, system engineer for Iron Mail servers, System Administrator for serveral companies. I publish a magazine called Terror Watch, which was a fan base magazine for a Role Playing Game called Bureau 13.
I started computing on Atari Computers, from there move to the Atari ST, Macintosh, to SUSE Linux, which I currently run on server pc, laptops, and G5 Mac tower.
I have live in Japan were I taught English at a school called Nichibie, in the small town of Takamatsu. I have traveled to Egypt, Azerbaijan, and Germany.
I am currently married and I have two kids.
I been with openSUSE since 2008 as Ambassador. I been quite the pass year because of my young one. But even though publicly I have been as active, I have been prompting openSUSE by doing a podcast, working an e-book that I hope to show everyone early next year.
Major Issues
At this time, I feel getting the Foundation set up. Cont' to work on Google Summer of Code.
Working on setting up a program where College kids help developed and work on SUSE.
Minor Issues
I haven't seen any issues of later that are major or minor.
Role of the board
Well any were I can be useful to the board. Currently, on the SELF Board, I am community manager, but will I have also helping out the Volunteer manager as well.
Why you should vote for me?
My goals is to work hard to see if we can get the Foundation up and running. To help cont' openSUSE grow and become stronger. To listen to our members, see if there are areas we can improve on.
Room for your supporters to leave a word about you