< openSUSE:ALP | Workgroups | SysMngmnt
- Ancor González Sosa
- Adam Majer
- Ladislav Slezak
- Imobach González Sosa
- David Díaz González
- Iván López González
- Knut Anderssen González
- Joaquin Rivera
- Josef Reidinger
- Lukas Ocilka
- Status review and planning of next steps for cockpit (
- Newest Cockpit with patched-in support for themes in its way to TW.
- New cockpit-suse-theme package also in its way.
- Hopefully next TW release will include the newest themeable Cockpit and the SUSE theme.
- Added requisites for the (hopefully) upcoming official theme support for Cockpit.
- Status review and planning of next steps for containerizing YaST modules (
- Very good progress, many modules just work or are easily adaptable.
- Main current blocker: libstorage-ng
- Several YaST modules depend (in)directly on it.
- Adapting libstorage-ng to work in our scenario looks doable. Maybe just a matter of adding a new probing mode.
- Ancor contacted Arvin Schnell (libstorage-ng developer/maintainer) about it, awaiting reply.
- Running subprocesses in containers is very slow and that affects specially the YaST Services Manager.
- We must report the bug, created as reminder.
- Question - should we also target modules that configure services like yast2-dns-server or yast2-iscsi-lio-server?
- Many of those services will run containerized on ALP - what does that imply for YaST?
- Ancor to look for clarification on that topic in some general ALP meeting.
- Status review and planning of next steps for adapting containerized YaST to BCI (
- Everything working but an ugly hack was needed because the format of the RPM databases of host and container image are different.
- We want to contact Marco to check what are the possible non-hacky solutions.
- Status update on some ALP topics:
- First images available at
- There are also non-transactional images there, so we should not take for granted (yet) that all ALP instances will be transactional (ie. read-only root)
- Next meeting
- Cannot be next Friday since half of the people would be missing
- Moved to Thursday June 23rd at 12:00 UTC