SDB:Fuppes Installation

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Tested on openSUSE

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This article is about installation of Fuppes. Currently this is quite an elaborate task, however in future this should be done via the openSUSE version links in the Fuppes page.


Currently there is a repository with a ready made fuppes (version 0.660), which can not be found using the search facility on However a newer (development) version is available, which is currently recommended, because the configuration setup has changed quite a bit. It is a beta version, so you may experience a crash. The currently known crashes will be discussed in Troubleshooting. However it delivers a stable server once you know what to avoid.


Describes the packages to install first. Note that in the following commands preceded by # have to be given as root and preceded by $ are given as a normal user.

with YaST2

  1. Start YaST, for example by Ctrl+F2 and typing yast and type in your root password.
  2. In the YaST Configuration Centre click on Software Management. The Software Management window will appear
  3. Choose in the Tool bar Configuration -> Repositories...
  4. Press the Add buton and choose the the radio button in front of Community Repositories and press Next
  5. Choose the Videolan Repository and press OK. You will get the list of repositories and press OK here. You will get the Software Management window again.
  6. Press the tab View in there Pattern. In that Patern list go down to C/C++ development and click the check box in front.
  7. Press the tab Search and enter checkinstall in the search box and press Search to search for this package. Activate the check box in front of checkinstall.
  8. Do the same for the packages pcre-devel, libxml2-devel, sqlite3-devel, lame, twolame, libmp3lame-devel, libtwolame-devel, libmad-devel, libfaad-devel, libvorbis-devel, libexif-devel, ImageMagick-devel, taglib-devel, taglib-extras-devel, taglib-sharp-devel, ffmpeg, ffmpegthumbnailer, libffmpeg-devel, libffmpegthumbnailer-devel, flac and flac-devel.

Continue at Build commands

on the command line

The following commands install the required repositories (you could try it with one of the two and indicate this on this page):

# zypper addrepo -f -n VideoLan
# zypper addrepo -f -n "Packman Repository"

The following commands install the required packages to build Fuppes:

# zypper install subversion
# zypper install automake
# zypper install checkinstall
# zypper install libtool
# zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++
# zypper install pcre-devel
# zypper install libxml2-devel
# zypper install sqlite3-devel
# zypper install lame twolame
# zypper install libmp3lame-devel libtwolame-devel
# zypper install libmad-devel
# zypper install libfaad-devel
# zypper install libvorbis-devel
# zypper install libexif-devel
# zypper install ImageMagick-devel
# zypper install taglib-devel taglib-extras-devel taglib-sharp-devel
# zypper install ffmpeg ffmpegthumbnailer libffmpeg-devel libffmpegthumbnailer-devel
# zypper install flac flac-devel

Build commands

Building the fuppes application can be done as a normal user. It also runs under this user. First you may create a new directory and you go to that directory or another suitable directory.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Next you download the source of fuppes with the following command using subversion:

$ svn co fuppes

This will create a directory fuppes, the last parameter in the command, in the current directory. You can delete everything you have downloaded here using:

$ /bin/rm -rf fuppes

Next you make it your current directory.

$ cd fuppes

In this directory you execute the two following commands:

$ autoreconf -vfi
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --enable-transcoder-ffmpeg --enable-lame --enable-twolame --enable-mad --enable-faad --with-http-port=3080
  • Prefix is $HOME/local which means that fuppes and its data files will be installed the directory ~/local/ . If you want it in the system it should be --prefix=/usr, but for now we keep it in your personal environment.
  • the other parameters enable the use of the conversion libraries with those names. If you don't want them you can leave them out. One could enable D-BUS support, but this has not been doen above. See the wiki if you want that.

The next commands are given respectively to build the fuppes application and to install it and its data and configuration files, as mentioned before in ~/local/.

$ make
$ make install

If the ~/local/ directory does not exist it will be created by the install command. To remove what has been installed you simply do $ /bin/rm -r ~/local.

See also

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