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Welcome to the FreeIPA Portal edit

Identity, Policy and Audit information are vitally important and interrelated in the daily operation of any business. Such information should be managed centrally, and interoperate with a heterogeneous of existing systems, protocols and tools. FreeIPA is an open-source and integrated solution, providing centrally managed and correlate vital security information including:

  • Identity (machines, users, groups, credentials, etc)
  • Policy (access control for machines and services)
  • Audit (information query log)

By combining Linux, 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, DNS, FreeIPA offers centralised authentication, authorization and account information, in networked Linux environments.

Availability edit

Discontinued Versions

FreeIPA 4.1.4 was available during the latter half of 2015 on Tumbleweed, however, due to lack of maintenance, it is no longer available.

User Manual edit


Installation - Step-by-step walkthrough of the installation and configuration of FreeIPA server, replica, and client.


Troubleshoot - Troubleshoot problems with FreeIPA server, replica, or client.