openSUSE:Membership officials

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This team processes the openSUSE membership requests and accepts or rejects them after review.


Being part of the team

Membership officials are appointed by the openSUSE Board. Members are welcome to help us in this team .

To join the Membership Officials Team

  • Step 1. Email with a link to your Profile.
  • Step 2. The Board will confirm that you're a Member, and let you know whether or not you're request to join the Membership Officials is accepted (if the team is big enough, new team member may not be necessary)
  • Step 3. An existing team member will give you the appropriate permission to the project and the mailing list


  • - This is a closed mailing list so the team can discuss privately applications that might require a debate (unclear contributions, for example).
Warning: Please DO NOT contact the membership team about individual candidates!


Currently (as of May 2024) the team consists of the following members:

  • Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar)
  • Ish Sookun (ishwon)
  • Izabel Valverde (izabelvalverde)
  • Marco Antonio Flores (alpvonkri)
  • Martin Pluskal (pluskalm)
  • Wolfgang Rosenauer (wolfir)


Vote membership requests

  1. visit (login if required)
  2. check for new membership requests
  3. within applications with no claimed contributions ask for more information.
  4. to vote for applications, provide your reasons in the text field and give an thumbs-up or thumbs-down
  5. all votes are based on open comments; if a vote should be pulled comment in the issue
  6. if applications get no downvotes and at least one upvote from a membership official other than yourself (or any future automatic validation tooling), then you can tag the issue with "approved" and should ask the user if there is information missing about the email setup
  7. when an application is approved the new member has to be added to our member database. In case of doubt what and how to do it, leave the issue open and someone else will pick it up for database inclusion
  8. if applications get at least one downvote from a membership official other than yourself, and you agree with that, then you can tag the issue with "denied" and close the issue as "Rejected"
  9. if Membership officials disagree with a fellow officials downvote, they should discuss that amongst themselves, with the possible outcomes being either the downvote being removed, or the request being rejected. If the Officials cannot resolve a disputed application amongst themselves, they can request the Board to mediate.
  10. Membership officials should strive to resolving applications as fast as possible, as no potential member wishes to remain "in limbo" for a long period of time (new tool should notify Officials when requests are pending)

Administrate email aliases

To change the email alias or target of a user, the database entry must be modified accordingly. Membership officials and Heroes have the required access. If members would like to request changes the same project can be used and an issue opened.

Administrate irc cloaks

When requesting membership, the users should add their desired freenode cloak and irc username in the issue. Upon accepting the user as member, the membership admins will set these values in the database.

Please submit requests regarding your cloak on