openSUSE:YaST: Development Workflow

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This is a part of YaST development documentation.

master / Factory

  • submit code via pull requests in the repositories on GitHub
    • even if you have write access to the main repository, do not merge until you get a "LGTM" (Looks Good To Me) review. It is OK to ping people asking for reviews.
  • the continuous integration server simply calls rake osc:sr from the packaging_tasks gem, which
    • makes a local build using fresh OBS dependencies (osc:build)
    • commits to the OBS development project obs://YaST:Head* (osc:commit)
    • if the version has changed, submits to obs://openSUSE:Factory* (osc:sr)
  • building packages manually (in build service project)
    • call rake package (includes checks) or rake tarball (just for tarball)
    • copy changes-file, spec-file and tarball to project

rake -T shows all available commands

(* the target projects are configured in the yast-rake gem, required from each package's Rakefile)

openSUSE Maintenance