openSUSE:What was done on the Ambassadors Collaboration Days

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What was done during openSUSE Ambassadors Collaboration Day

Below is a list of tasks we had worked for the Ambassador program.. Some materials/documentation was created before, others were created during the event also we had some existing materials that were improved a little bit after some review/clean-up.

After a full day working we had some topics results. Some work was concluded and finished others was merged, some new topics appear, so... on this page you will see what was done and who was responsible for taking care of any related task

As always, any questions, contact the moderators in the IRC channel. (Moderators - Carlos Ribeiro, Kostas Koudaras)


A) Banner Distribution

We plan to distribute banners for booths which will be managed by "Banner Masters"

  • 1) Who will manage the banners. Which regional center is ideal for distribution?
  • 2) Some cost analysis for shipping costs from that center to other places
  • 3) Make proposals for requirements for banners to Artwork team
  • 4) Banner translations to portugues-

What was Done!

  1. Gnokii, has work with the design of banners
  2. Helen, Jos and CarlosRibeiro helped with text/slogans. Experienced openSUSE person to check/edit
  3. Banners will be sponsored by Novell
  4. We decided that Banners must be inside Ambassador Kit - at least 2 banners

What needs to keep running

  1. As we already have the master banners we need to decide who will print these banners and be the masters one, also we need to send these banners to ambassador ML to make all them able to translate to their native languages

B) Booth Design

  • 1) Materials List
    • 1.a) Materials you can request from Novell
    • 1.b) Materials you can download
    • 1.b1)Custom respins from Studio to suit different users - business tools, art packages?
    • 1.c) Ideas- Materials you can Create. Tux Paper, cube cheat, flyers, printables for kids - coloring, crosswords.
    • 1.d)ask magazines for back-issues
  • 2) Checklist (What you should always remember to bring with you at every event)

-- E.g. tape, scissors, DVDs, etc.

What was Done!

  1. Mingomax still working on KDE Cheat Cube
  2. Someone asked about create an manugugpt1.Etherpad for Booth Checklist - item 2 -,I guided this guy to looking for and ask Manu, but I don't know if it happens. :(
  3. CarlosRibeiro had uploaded Geeko Money for A4 and A3 paper sizes
  4. Materials we can ask for Novell, T Shirts, DVDs, Geekos, Project Flyers, Stickers, brochure, openSUSE pens,
  5. AJ suggested t manu to include in materials list
  6. Manugupt had improved page

What needs to keep running!

  1. We may keep working using Ambassador ML or another manugugpt1.Etherpad page about Common Booth Layouts and Booth Check-list topics and after this documentation gets mature enough we can move all contents to a new page inside Ambassadors portal.
  2. Henne will send us a list about what have in Vovell stock for openSUSE Marketing

C) Booth Organization

  • 1) Contacting an event to request booth space
  • 2) Promoting your event - PR and announcements
  • 3) Coordinating volunteers to staff the booth (timings, access, availability of power, expected attendance numbers)
  • 4)Talking Points In Progress Jos and Bryen
  • 5) Tips for good interactions

What was suggested and let here!

  1. Nothing completed on this topic, but Jos and Bryen still working on Talking Points
  2. suseROCKs suggested how to reach out to your local community to get volunteers to staff the booth
  3. need translations

What needs to be keep running

  1. After talking points finish we need to translate to all native ambassadors language.

D) Presenting

  • 1) Where to find existing presentation materials

  • 2) How to create your own presentations, Ask Mentors about it
  • 3) Potential topics for presentations (write more topics)

/* What about all the know how to support presentations? */ - openSUSE Distribution (explaining why it is suitable for everyone, I have a nice presentation about this one) - openSUSE OBS / SUSE Studio - openSUSE LI-F-E - openSUSE Community

  • 4) Tips for improving presentation/speaking skills
    • Relax and be natural
    • If you make a mistake, don't panic,
    • Always have notes in front of you about what you are talking about so in case you get stuck you will always have a point to start over again
    • must be familiar with the subject and be prepared for additional questions
    • don't be afraid to say 'I'll have to find out about that - I'll get back to you'

Presentations and slides: ,

What was done!

  1. Product Demo was translate to portuguese by Mingomax and LuizAugusto.,, and,,,


What need to keep runing

  1. We need to create manugupt1.Etherpad page for item 4 and 5 to be sent to all Ambassadors
  2. openSUSE slideshow still under construction and needs to be finish and translated to all native ambassadors language

E) Ambassadors Resource Kit

  • 1) Update the Welcome email template
    • 1.a) where to find ambassadors resources - (suggestion: make custom DVD with web links, images, templates, presentations etc all ready to go)
    • 1.b) Explanation of the duties of Ambassador
  • 2) Outline the duties of an Ambassador
    • 2.a) Reporting activities (blogging, posting to mailing lists, denting/twitting, etc)
    • 2.b) Reporting ambassador success cases (permanent, accessable archive with good navigation would be helpful - making it easy for other event holders to get tips on what to do)
    • 2.c) Organizing community in your region

Find other openSUSE users and form a community, that way you can make more work as a team, meet new people, get any kind of help easier, like partnership with Universities/schools or any kind of Academy Program to help us to build an good and active Ambassador on every public and private school

    • 2.d) Establishing links with communities from other regions/countries

Especially if there is geographical proximity, language similarities, if there are historical ties between the regions/countries, if the openSUSE community in your region/country is too small, and so on. Good examples for this are the Iberian peninsula (Portugal, Spain, Andorra and Gibraltar) and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark).

    • 2.e) Planning for the year ahead, see calendar of Events, below., check against personal commitments, find someone to help if needed
    • 2.f) Communicating with Ambassador team
    • 2.g) Etc.
  • 3) Tips and Tricks for good Ambassadorship
    • remember "WIFM" - What's In It For Me. Focus on how openSUSE will benefit the person and ther work. Getting involved helps them by giving them ready access to help/getting questions answered/having fun as part of community.
  • 4) Templates for reports, questionnaires.
    • make images and backgrounds easily available (DVDrom of media)
  • 5) Ambassador Business Cards

Things let here

F) Calendar of Events

  • 1) List suggested events for 2011 that Ambassadors should go to.
    • 1.a) Instructions for updating the Events Calendar on News.o.o and publishing planned appearances.

ideas for events on a tangent: University "O Week" open days, specific trade shows eg art/medical/science events, with focus on one aspect of openSUSE

G) Mentoring new ambassadors

  • 1) Create "How to be an Ambassador mentor" document
    • 1.a) Who should be a mentor? To offer to other of course...
    • 1.b) Why is mentoring a good thing?
    • 1.c) What should a mentor do?

what was let here

  1. Mentoring is helping people who need it,when they need it and that is a good thing builds sense of community involvement - they aren't working in isolation
  2. Help ambassadors with any questions they may have
  3. Advise ambassadors how they can make a presentation or anything else more successful,easier.
  4. How to join at the Mentoring Program Ambassador
  5. Help new volunteers become Ambassadors

What need to keep running

  1. The mentors don't need many skills just a little experience in openSUSE (having been around a bit longer than the newby) and being friendly
  2. We need at least 1 or 2 ppl per region, so mentors are close to mentorees both in culture and location. again
  3. Low barrier for being mentor
  4. welcome team can find someone close to that country for example the country next to it... brazil can help Peru.... etc
  5. The welcoming team tries to find a mentor and let him/her talk to the newbie. nothing more
  6. Needs to create a manugupt1.ietherpad page with all this contents
  7. We need to create a step-by-step on how to record a video "Hi I'm a openSUSE Ambassador

H) WIKI: Ambassador Portal

  • 1) Is the information organized relevantly and easy to find?
  • 2) Translations to all language wikis.

Ambassadors Portal.

What need to keep running

  1. If you speak a language that has not been translated, make the first step to translation and convince other to follow.
  2. Send a message to Ambassador ML asking the relevance for this portal to be always updated in all ambassadors native language., this is a good opportunity to involve new students that have no much experience with community and openSUSE project but wishes to start to contribute with something.

I) Identifying openSUSE Partnership and Alliance opportunities

(suggest ways to make that happen)

  • LUGs - Try to bring to openSUSE ambassador program some personalities from other communities like Gim, Inkscape, Apache, Xen..
  • You can partner with various lugs by giving them promotional materials like DVD and Fliers to distribute on their place (LUGs always can use promo matterial).
  • You can ask them to organize presentations of openSUSE Project for them.
    • National Linux organizations
    • Publications (Linux, Computing and general)
    • Educational Institutions
    • Government
    • Businesses
    • Organizations
    • Medical
    • Local computer shops (small, not chains)
    • Charity groups (free-as-in-beer software / language for refugees etc)

J) Miscellaneous

  1. 1) Certificate as recognition for people that helps to work with booth
  2. 2) Cleanup and review of existing Ambassador Program infrastructure
    1. 2a) Identify what needs to be done to strengthen the program
  3. 3) After events/conferences get in touch with possible future members/prospects

K) Localization

  • Translating some material into your mother tongue helps spreading the word about openSUSE :-)
    • Slides:
    • Cheatsheets?
    • Posters (ie: gnokii's posters)
    • Wiki:
    • Documentation portal: all of it
    • openSUSE guides:
    • Foster the creation of openSUSE localised Live CDs. Not one per country, ie: ** Iberian Live CD -> Castilian, Portuguese, Catalan, English. Add 3 or 4 languages at most (depending if it fits on a CD). If you need more space, try to remove some packages. Not enough? Create 2 editions.
    • Websites: (subscribtion to opensuse-web is highly recommended)
      •<your language>
    • openSUSE Weekly News
    • Distribution
    • Desktop environment (KDE, GNOME, etc).

what is done This topic was created by Javier during event