This wiki is edited and refined by our community. There are also more traditional manuals at doc.opensuse.org and release notes. People can contribute via the github doc-o-o repository.
Anyone can contribute to the Wiki. Have a look at the Wiki help pages and if you have an extra interest in wiki maintenance, join the Wiki team.
There is a list of available manuals that you can contribute to and help to localize.
The Official openSUSE documentation
openSUSE Docs Team Meetings
Kickoff meeting for this new team on [17 Sept 0600 UTC] at [meet.opensuse.org/opensuse-docs]
Agenda: Docs Team Meetings
Please join [openSUSE Docs] on Telegram.
Mailing list: [opensuse-doc@opensuse.org]
Popular documentation on the wiki

Installation - Articles covering all aspects of the installation of openSUSE.

System upgrade to a new openSUSE version - If you are a new openSUSE user, or want to do a distribution upgrade from a previous release.

Package management - Install, remove or update software.

Configuration - System and application configuration articles.

HOWTOs - HowTo guides on a wide variety of topics.

Hardware - Supported platforms, hardware compatibility lists, tweaking, optimizing, and troubleshooting.

Frequently asked questions - Have questions or solutions to common questions about openSUSE? Feel free to add to this FAQ!
General information

openSUSE general information
- Frequently asked questions about the openSUSE Project
- Statistics about openSUSE's usage.
- SUSE Linux distributions on Wikipedia

Linux general information
- Concepts - An introduction to many openSUSE and Linux concepts
- Acronyms - What do all those darn three letter words mean?
- Free and Open Source Software - The philosophy behind software.
- How to migrate from Windows
openSUSE internals
openSUSE special configuration tools are usually named "YaST", because most of the work is done through YaST, but there are several independent tools one can get to know. We will try to have here a better documentation or links for these tools.
- YaST - The installation and system management tool
- Libzypp - The package management library
- Zypper - The package manager command line interface
- SuSEfirewall2 - The openSUSE firewall script
Other resources
- Collection of user manuals and technical documentation for openSUSE and SLES related products as well as projects.
- The openSUSE cheat sheets are reference cards to print out for quick access.
- The openSUSE Community references page collects information about community projects and their best practices, while the openSUSE Marketing references page looks at other projects and reads what experts write about marketing. The goal is to build a reference for those that like to look beyond our own openSUSE community to learn from others.
- openSUSE-Guide.org - Unofficial guide to the basics and background of openSUSE, with screenshots, screencasts etc.
- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition Since September 2009 in it's 6th edition printing is a highly recommended book (or ebook) from beginning Linux users to the more advanced. Linux in a Nutshell will get anyone new to Linux up and running with a base of knowledge from which to grow from - in addition it offers more advanced users a handy detailed reference.
- The SUSE Documentation Style Guide.
- add section with task oriented list like (How do I):
- open Office documents?
- sort my [photos|music|poems|ebooks]?
- edit [photos|music|poems|ebooks]
- remove red eyes?
- enhance photos
- find my [photos|music|poems|ebooks] collection that is now in other OS?
- etc
- create FAQ with the same tasks that can be extended beyond portal page capacity, list it in the footer as More <something>
- minimize imagery (size and quantity) to achieve better page oversight,
Done !
create browsing on the rightset official documentation first
All portals: