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From time to time on the mailinglist come up topics and solutions that might be interesting for more people. Here is a collections of these.

Of course here we are at code level, that means that people who want to try that out must be able to work with java code, compile it, work with subversion etc.

Still there is of course the mailinglist to ask if something fails :-)

Other Authentication Systems

SWAMP comes with classes for database and LDAP authentication. However to embed SWAMP into special IT environments, other authentication methods might be useful. Not all of them are in the SWAMP main code. But code customisation is possible.

To adapt SWAMP to other authentication systems, the following can be done:

Create a class that implements

and configure it in the defaults config file:


The LDAP integration done by Juergen Pabel is a good example on how to do this: [1] This code is now included in the standard LDAP authentication that comes with SWAMP.

SWAMP's login page will still be used, but the user credentials are verified against your backend.