openSUSE:Standards Libzypp Store
Version: libypp-4.x
openSUSE-11.0 |
Since openSUSE-11.0) |
Copy of the original repository metadata.
Repositories .solv file created from the raw metadata.
The repositories cache of downloaded packages.
Old standards
Version: libzypp-2.15.4
until libypp-3.x |
This kind of store was dropped on openSUSE-11.0 (libzypp-4.x) |
This is where libzypp stores information.
This is where libzypp stores metadata of known repositories.
This is where libzypp stores information about installed non-package items.
An optional configuration file extending the builtin list of trusted aka known vendors.
In contrary to packages from known vendors, installed packages from unknown vendors are by default protected. Libzypp will not delete or update them automaticaly. The user has to unlock them in order to change their state.
The file defines a list of vendor patterns, one per line. If a pattern matches the initial portion of a vendor string (case insensitive), the vendor is considered as trusted or known. Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
Libzypp reads this file once on demand, but never writtes to it.