openSUSE:Reproducible openSUSE/Part2-graphics
This provides extra details for openSUSE:Reproducible openSUSE/Part2 about how to run a graphical environment from the built packages:
How to install KDE in that minimal VM:
qemu-img resize var/lib/altimagebuild-x86_64.img 10G # give more RAM - e.g. 4GB qemu-kvm -drive format=raw,file=var/lib/altimagebuild-x86_64.img -m 4000 -serial stdio -vnc :9
and in an extra shell:
gvncviewer localhost:9 zypper in growpart growpart /dev/sda 1 resize2fs /dev/sda1 zypper in patterns-kde-kde # installs 1798 packages useradd -m user passwd user systemctl enable --now display-manager.service
Unfortunately, the Plasma shell does not work yet, but KDE-applications run fine in icewm. See screenshots