openSUSE:Reproducible openSUSE/Part2

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This is documentation Part 2 of Bernhard's R-B-OS - about making enough packages reproducible for a small DVD with some graphical UI.

package sources are collected in

Note: building with pbuild is significantly slower here, because dependency resolution is implemented in pure perl and takes a minute to figure out what to build next.

How to build

zypper in osc qemu

Install the `build` tool from (needed for emacs, colord and python-lxml) via

osc getbinaries home:bmwiedemann:reproducible:distribution:ring1 build standard x86_64
sudo rpm -U --oldpackage binaries/build-20241114-1.1.noarch.rpm
osc co home:bmwiedemann:reproducible:distribution:ring1 && cd $_
ln -s 000pbuildconf/_* .
sh 000pbuildconf/sha256sums.src
# => 45860960194520990c61a515824989f18248dd7363a2dc4076b1db83360d1e72
sh 000pbuildconf/
# => eca36d77154f036f353f0813cb5968edcf84512efc4c9bebdeea1fb3e2ad7fd3

How to run a minimal VM built from this (credentials are user=root pass=nots3cr3t ):

unrpm /path/to/altimagebuild-1*.rpm
qemu-kvm -drive format=raw,file=var/lib/altimagebuild-x86_64.img -m 1000 -serial stdio -vnc :99

Encountered issues/fixes

worked around

remaining issues