openSUSE:KDE Patch Review
The purpose of this page is to track what patches are in the packages, what can be dropped, and what can be upstreamed. It is divided by the main source packages. For each package, put a line with the patch name as in the spec file, then its status:
- If it is dropped, add the status "dropped" stating the reason
- If it needs to be upstreamed, put the expected version this should appear in, or (if available) a link to the review request
- If it is kept, put "Keep" as status and state (briefly) why
Patches should also conform to the patch annotation policy and the general packaging patch guidelines. If a patch is to be kept, it should -where possible - be made conformant to that policy if it is not already.
- Patch-001-fix-cmake.diff - Upstreamed - 4.10.2
- Patch-002-default-theme.diff - Keep - default theme
- Patch-003-no-crash-xmms - Dropped - no longer occurs
Each patch should be put under the relevant package section from this page.
KDM patches
- kdm-cope-with-new-grub.diff -- Don't look for grub-set-default, we won't need it (bnc771545)
- kdm-relaxed-auth.diff
- kdm-make_it_cool.diff
- kdm-sysconfig-values.diff -- Adds syconfig support to KDM
- kdm-wordbreak.diff -- Wraps the username if it's too long
- kdm-remove-duplicated-sessions.diff -- Removes duplicate sessions from KDM session list
- kdm-all-users-nopass.diff -- Allows the setting which enables users to login without password
- kdm-kdmconf.diff -- Cleans up the old kdmrc file
- kdm-dont-grab-mouse.diff -- Revert changes in KDM that made it also grab the mouse, which prevents xvkbd from working on tablet PCs (bnc445726)
- kdm-long-xserver-timeout.diff -- Increases the time KDM waits for X to start up (bnc462478)
- These three patches are workarounds for fingerprint support (bnc533189):
- kdm-fix-generic-greeter.diff
- kdm-fix-labelcolors.diff
- same-pam-generic-classic.diff
- kdm_systemd_shutdown.patch Avoid the situation where systemd would kill KDM which prevents reboot/shutdown (Fedora Patch)
- kdm_plymouth.patch -- Patch from Fedora to enable plymouth support in KDM. Patch is based on the changes within GDM to detect running plymouth and issue a quit to the plymouth daemon
Workspace patches
- startkde.diff -- Injects branded startupconfigkeys to users $KDEHOME, and adds %datadir/kde4/env to list of read enviroments
- kde4-migrate.diff -- Migrates config from .kde to .kde4
- systemsettings-desktop.diff -- Changes name of System Settings to Configure Desktop
- rotate-wacom-pointers.diff -- Adds support to krandrtray that rotates wacom pointers when the display is rotated
- plasma-branding-defaults-applets.diff -- Brands kickoff, so it uses branded start-here icon, and adds
- several applications to SystemApplications category
- plasma-dashboard-leave.diff -- Makes possible to leave dashboard view with just left-click
- plasma-kickoff-newly-collapsing.diff -- Adds several features to kickoff, e.g. recently installed category, and reduced menu length
- plasma-panel-resize-hint.diff -- Displays pixel size when resizing panel
- dont-install-solid-netbackends.diff -- Excludes redundant Network Management backends from building
- krunner-no-italics.diff -- Change italic krunner result subtext to be smaller instead of italic (kde307344)
- plasma-disable-networkmanager.diff -- Makes it possible to disable it on KDE start depending on sysconfig
- systemd-session-management-support-in-the-workspace.patch -- This patch rewrites the reboot/shutdown code within workspace so that it works with systemd.
- opensuse-homepage.diff -- Makes kickoff use openSUSE homepage as default
- opensuse-kinfocenter.diff (created by Alin M. Elena to have some openSUSE distro info in kinfocenter)
- storage.diff (created by Alin M. Elena to add unique names for partitions in kinfocenter)
- pager.diff -- Use plasma theme color for pager text
- fix-plasma-theme-workaround-tabbox.patch -- Fix tabbox drawing (exposed in default openSUSE 12.3 plasma theme)