< openSUSE:ALP | Workgroups | SysMngmnt
- Conversations with Jiri Srain (member of ALP Steering Committee)
- Python will be part of the ALP Host OS, is needed by many core components (Firewalld, SELinux...)
- A decision to invest into Cockpit's upstream development would need a good effort estimation (which the work-group feels is not able to provide without a lot of previous coordination with current Cockpit developers).
- Conversations with Thorsten Kukuk (member of ALP Steering Committee)
- Confirmed that Python will be part of the Host OS. Is not realistic to exclude it.
- Is key to enforce users do not rely on the system's Python for their own workloads, but is acceptable that core system components (like the 1:1 system management) depend on it.
- Presentation about YaST News
- Opportunity taken to present the containerized YaST effort
- Raised some interest, it may be possible to get some help to optimize the result in the future