< openSUSE:ALP | Workgroups | SysMngmnt
- Ancor González Sosa
- Adam Majer
- Ladislav Slezak
- Imobach González Sosa
- David Díaz González
- Iván López González
- Knut Anderssen González
- Joaquin Rivera
- Josef Reidinger
- Lukas Ocilka
- Reorganizing the work group procedures
- Switching from "research with sync calls" to "development with concrete Cockpit and YaST tasks".
- Huge overlap in the set of people in this work group, in the Installation work group and in the YaST Team.
- New procedure:
- One single Trello board with separate "incoming" lines for YaST bugs, this WG and the installation one -
- Biweekly sprints (for now)
- Separate planning meetings for each line
- Optional daily call for quick coordination all together at 11 CEST
- Shared review meeting followed by a blog post (YaST Team blog for now) about what's new
- Reminder: ALP is our target now
- We should own the packages
- Nothing is "done" if it doesn't work in, at least, one of the flavors of ALP (transactional and non-transactional)
- Factory-first still applies
- The official way to report/keep track are the Work Packages and their associated Jira entries (so far, and
- First planning session of the new procedure. Resulting tasks:
- Ownership of Cockpit packages at ALP
- Ownership of yast-in-container at ALP
- Document the process to install and use Cockpit on ALP
- Containerize modules that need libstorage-ng probing
- Test Cockpit on transactional and non-transactional ALP
- Test YaST on transactional and non-transactional ALP