< openSUSE:ALP | Workgroups | Installation
- Ancor González Sosa
- Ondřej Holeček
- Ladislav Slezak
- Imobach González Sosa
- Iván López González
- David Díaz González
- Steffen Winterfeld
- Josef Reidinger
- Joaquin Rivera
- Please add yourself
- Status of D-Installer
- It should be submitted to Factory during this week
- Main areas being worked right now:
- Split D-Installer into smaller autonomous pieces
- Better support for installing multiple distributions / roles
- Next areas to work on:
- Split storage/bootloader to a separate service
- More possibilities to configure the network
- Containerization of D-Installer
- Note: looks like information like openSUSE:ALP/Workgroups/Installation/DInstaller (or other resources linked there) is too hard to find for newcomers
- Status of Iguana
- The prototype should ready for a demo on next regular meeting
- Researched the Github Actions specification in Yaml and checked existing open-source implementations
- The format is a bit too complex and none of the existing public implementations is mature
- We will define a simpler specification inspired by the Github Actions one and implement our own interpreter
- We discussed more possible usages of Iguana beyond installation, like being useful as a rescue system
- Rethinking the work-group procedures
- So far we have been in "research mode" with bi-weekly meetings to discuss relatively vague tasks
- We want to turn the process into a more result-oriented one, with more concrete tasks and more technical reporting of the results
- So let's make Iguana and D-Installer more "official" projects for this work group (so far, real D-Installer development is done within the YaST team and Iguana is kind of a one-man-show)
- So weekly meetings will now look more like:
- Review of concrete tasks in the development of Iguana and D-Installer
- Planning of more concrete tasks if needed
- Follow up: blog post (using the YaST Team blog to start with) about what's new
- All D-Installer development meetings will happen in the context of this work group, not longer as part of the YaST Team regular work
- Quick review on how Harvester performs installation
- Fixed set of 5 partitions (two for A/B updates, one for data, one for booting and another for OEM configuration)
- Some interesting ideas we could look into, even if the scope is different
- Elemental looks pretty cool and is getting some extra development manpower
- Thanks to Kubernetes core, remote integration comes for free
- Seamless integration with Rancher
- Note: it would be great to have people from that area (Harvester, Elemental, etc.) in this work group