ALP: Build Service Git-Packaging Workflow
Meeting Wednesdays at 07:00 UTC in
- Dirk Müller
- Alberto Planas Dominguez
- Stephan Kulow
- Richard Brown
- Dan Čermák
- Adam Mayer
- Frederic Crozat
- Ludwig Nussel
- Dominique Leuenberger
- Eduardo Navaro
- David Anes
- Bruno Leon
- Petr Gajdos
Discussion Items
- Ludwig started a test setup in
- issue in
- git submodule commits are not expanded in the diff, making review hard
- should we actually review those? could be automated
- issue in
- How to store project state?
- Could be git submodules or git subtrees or custom config file (ref branch name or git commit hash)
- Alberto sees the “single git hash as global identifier of a state” as an important property
- -> git submodules or git subtrees are valid options
- Tradeoff could be that in some cases you do want an autoupdate behavior, and just having a file that references a git repository witha branchname or a commitid allows to easily pick one or the other, or to even mix and match
Action Items
- AI: ludwig, alberto, bruno: experiment with this setup and document learnings to share
Old Action Items
- AI adrian document existing distribution maintenance in git as a presentation and send it to the slack channel
- AI adamm: look at how a git signature policy evaluation could be implemented based on adam’s multi-signature signing approach
- AI: dan+snbart create new pages
- AI: all: start using the git packaging workflow and identify the quirks
- AI: Dan to review documentation on how to use git based packages (
- AI: Adrian and snbarth to see how build status can be reported in the gitea webui for a particular source state