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This article is about the use of a Raspberry Pi with Tumbleweed or Leap for Home Automation with the package domoticz.


Domoticz is available in the standard repositories of Tumbleweed and Leap. It will be sufficient to use the stand-alone version (JeOS) of the image for your Raspberry Pi.


Perform the following actions:

  • Do the installation of the JeOS image of Tumbleweed or Leap on the micro-SD card or possibly a USB device. See How to install openSUSE on a Raspberry Pi.
  • Insert the micro-SD card in or connect the USB device to the Raspberry Pi and power it up.
  • Find somehow the IP address of the RPi.
  • From another system start a ssh connection with ssh root@<IP_address>
  • Enter the password linux
  • Perform other configuration work, like changing your password, giving it permanent IP address and a proper hostname, etc.
  • Install Domoticz on this server with zypper in domoticz . Quite a lot of additional packages will be installed.
  • In case you have an active firewalld, perform the following commands:
    • filewall-cmd --add source= --zone=internal
    • firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --zone=internal
    • firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent


After that you should be able to access Domoticz using http://<IP_address>:8080

Further configuration of Domoticsz is done via the webpage. See Website of Domoticz

Remote access to Domoticz

One of the configuration items is to enable remote access to domoticz. This requires that you have a global IP address in your modem. For IPv4 you need to configure a port forward to port 8080 to your domoticz server. You also need to open the firewall in your server for outside access. Access also requires a username and password, to be configured via the website. In the case that you do not want these to be visible in the Internet, you need to enable https, which works via port 8443.

Rest to be written.