SDB:Argon and Krypton

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Argon and Krypton are installable live images of openSUSE with additional repositories added to get later versions of KDE software than provided by the distro.

On every change in the packages, the images are rebuilt and tested by openQA. The latest results are visible in the Web UI:


Argon is based on the latest stable release of openSUSE Leap and includes the latest release (including Betas and Release Candidates) of KDE Frameworks, Plasma and Applications.

It is meant for users who require a stable base, but also want the latest features and enhancements.

You can download iso images of Argon for the x86_64 architecture here.

The GPG key used to sign the iso images is available here.

To install the same software on an existing openSUSE Leap system, add the repositories mentioned on the KDE repositories page.


Krypton with Plasma 5.14 dev

Krypton is based on the latest snapshot of openSUSE Tumbleweed and includes builds of the master branch of KDE Frameworks, Plasma and Applications.

It is meant as a platform for developers to try out the latest features and develop KDE software.

You can download iso images of Krypton for the x86_64 Architecture here. Note that the version number of the iso is not indicative of the Plasma version it contains.

The GPG key used to sign the iso images is available here.

To install the same software on an existing openSUSE Tumbleweed system, add the repositories mentioned on the KDE repositories page.