SDB:Add package repositories

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This procedure was tested on all versions of openSUSE
YaST Software Management is a great tool for dealing with packages. You can install packages, remove them, update, and even protect them. openSUSE comes with a lot of packages, but even more packages can be made available for easy installation with YaST Software Management by adding additional repositories.

Adding repositories

Repositories can be added by using one of the following ways:

YaST software repositories

Start YaST by clicking on it under Software in your menu or by typing yast in the run command box (press Alt+F2).

Select Software Repositories.


Click on Add, select Specify URL.


Then enter a Repository Name and a URL. It's recommended to copy/paste URLs to avoid typos.


Package metadata will be downloaded and parsed - this takes time depending on mirror speed, your bandwidth, the size of the repository, the speed of your system.

You can remove or disable repositories at any time.

It is recommended to set the update repositories to auto refresh. On Tumbleweed, all repos should be set to auto refresh.


Simply type yast in console and press Enter. Now use your TAB and cursor keys to go to the right panel. Then use TAB and your arrow keys to navigate and go to Software Repositories. To add repositories, go to Add and select specify URL. Complete the fields with the necessary information then press Finish.


You can add repositories to YaST with the command line interface Zypper.

The syntax is:

# zypper ar -f <URL> <alias>
ar is short form of addrepo command
-f instruction to zypper to add autorefresh flag to newly added repo
<URL> is URL of the repo which you type in a browser to visit repo
<alias> is name that is easy to remember

See also

External links