Portal:Remote access/Topics

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Setting up remote access, basically means your are opening your system for others to enter. Prevent this, by keeping security in mind at all times. Please refer to related articles in your topic of interest. They can give you valuable hints on securing your system, while opening it for remote access. A golden rule: Never use simple passwords. This means, use a different and more complicated password than your e-mail, facebook, msn, icq etc. If one off these accounts is compromised, an attacker knows your password and for sure he knows your IP address, so your system is easily Hijacked.

Use openSSH to setup a remote shell. OpenSSH uses the SSH protocol and is currently the most secure way to remotely access your computer. SSH stands for secure shell. OpenSSH offers many configuration options and possibilities:

Xorg icon.png
X is a network transparent window system, which powers your graphical desktop.
  • It is possible to directly connect to an X server over the network using XDMCD.
  • Gives you the possibility to use your normal log in screen (on the client) to connect and authenticate to the server.
  • XDMCD is Insecure it uses no encryption or secrets whatsoever. It should only be used in trusted networks behind a strong firewall.
  • Works bad over slow, low-bandwidth connections.


FreeNX is a well established technology to provide a remote desktop over a secure connection. It can be used as a replacement for VNC, XDMCD or forwarding X over SSH.
  • Works well over low-bandwidth and high latency connections.
  • Supports suspend and resume a running session.
  • It is not yet included in the main distribution repositories, but available from build service. Read how to install and configure FreeNX server
  • Setting up must be done from the command line. (But is quite simple)
  • Access from web browser (not yet) supported

Guacamole allows you to provide a remote desktop in a browser.
  • Accessible via a proxy
  • Can do everything that VNC does; it is VNC brought into a browser