< Portal:Leap:Jump | OBS
This is a list of packages which are intended to be not synced from SUSE's internal OBS instance (IBS) to Public Open Build Service.
The following get already synced, so we would active remove them if wanted. We keep syncing them so far now. 1 000caasp 2 000product 3 000update-repos 4 00Meta 5 adobe-cid-keyed-moe-fonts 6 AdobeICCProfiles 7 branding-SLE 8 clamsap 9 clone-master-clean-up 10 cloud-regionsrv 11 cloud-regionsrv-client 12 desktop-data-SLE 13 flash-player 14 gnome-menus-branding-SLE 15 gst-fluendo-mp3 16 HANA-Firewall 17 ICAClient 18 java-1_6_0-ibm 19 java-1_7_0-ibm 20 java-1_7_1-ibm 21 java-1_8_0-ibm 22 kde-branding-SLE 23 kernel-livepatch-SLE15_Update_0 24 kernel-livepatch-tools 25 kiwi-template-sap 26 lifecycle-data-sle-module-live-patching 27 mikachan-fonts 28 MozillaFirefox-branding-SLE 29 NetworkManager-branding-SLE 30 oracleasm 31 orarun 32 PackageKit-branding-SLE 51 sca-patterns-base 52 sca-patterns-edir 53 sca-patterns-filr 54 sca-patterns-groupwise 55 sca-patterns-hae 56 sca-patterns-oes 57 sca-patterns-sle11 58 sca-patterns-sle12 59 sca-patterns-sle15 60 sca-patterns-suma 61 redbook 62 regionServiceClientConfigAzure 63 regionServiceClientConfigEC2 64 regionServiceClientConfigGCE 65 regionServiceClientConfigSAPAzure 66 regionServiceClientConfigSAPEC2 67 regionServiceClientConfigSAPGCE 68 release-notes-caasp 69 release-notes-ha 70 release-notes-sled 71 release-notes-sles 72 release-notes-sles-for-sap 73 release-notes-sles_hpc 74 rhn-custom-info 75 rhnlib 76 rhnpush 77 rhn-virtualization 78 sapconf 79 SAPHanaSR 80 SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut 81 sap-installation-start 82 sap-installation-wizard 83 sap-netscape-link 84 saprouter-systemd 85 sap-suse-cluster-connector 86 saptune 87 skelcd-caasp 88 skelcd-control-leanos 89 skelcd-control-SLES4HPC 90 skelcd-control-SLES4SAP 91 skelcd-ha 92 skelcd-leanos 93 skelcd-sap-apl 94 skelcd-sled 95 skelcd-sles 96 skelcd-sles_hpc 97 skelcd-sle-we 98 SLE-EULAs 99 sles15-image 100 sles4sap-white-papers 101 spacewalk-backend 102 spacewalk-client-tools 103 spacewalk-oscap 104 spacewalk-remote-utils 105 spacewalksd 106 spacewalk-usix 107 supportutils-plugin-suse-caasp 108 supportutils-plugin-suse-public-cloud 109 SUSE_CaaS_Platform-3.0-for-KVM-and-Xen 110 SUSE_CaaS_Platform-4.0-for-KVM-and-Xen 111 suseRegisterInfo 112 system-role-sles4sap 113 ttf-cmex 114 ttf-founder 115 unrar 116 yast2-hana-firewall 117 yast2-sap-ha 118 yast2-sap-scp 119 yast2-sap-scp-prodlist 120 yast2-saptune 121 _product