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Q: How can I add NVIDIA and/or ATI binary drivers?

Adding these binary drivers requires changes to the boot-image. You will need to change the boot-image config.xml file for your image type, for example /usr/share/kiwi/image/usbboot/suse-xx.x/config.xml for a usb image, by adding the drivers.

<drivers type="drivers">
   <file name="drivers/nvidia/*"/>
   <file name="drivers/ati/*"/>

Then you will need to modify the config.xml file for your image to point to your newly created boot-image description.

The drivers element is optional and useful only in the context of the boot image description (initrd). It is not required that a boot image is comprised of drivers and a complete kernel. Therefore, one can save significant space by only including the required drivers in the boot image. The use of the "drivers" element supports this space optimization paradigm.

When the "drivers" element is specified Kiwi will include only the drivers matching the specified file name or glob pattern in the boot image. Kiwi will search pre-defined directories for matching drivers based on the "type" attribute value as listed below.

  • drivers
Each file is specified relative to the /lib/modules/<Version>/kernel directory.
  • netdrivers
Each file is specified relative to the /lib/modules/<Version>/kernel/drivers directory.
  • scsidrivers
Each file is specified relative to the /lib/modules/<Version>/kernel/drivers
  • usbdrivers
Each file is specified relative to the /lib/modules/<Version>/kernel/drivers directory.

The provided information in the "drivers" element will only take effect if a images.sh script exists in the boot-image description and the function suseStripKernel is called from the script.