Portal:FreeIPA/ipa-replica-prepare Example Output
This is the full conversation and output from the example setup of linuxdom.net, captured from ipa-replica-prepare command on the IPA server:
root@ipa-primary ~# ipa-replica-prepare ipa-standby.linuxdom.net --http-cert-file ipa-standby.p12 --dirsrv-cert-file ipa-standby.p12 --ip-address Directory Manager (existing master) password: Enter Apache Server private key unlock password: Enter Directory Server private key unlock password: Preparing replica for ipa-standby.linuxdom.net from ipa-primary.linuxdom.net Copying SSL certificate for the Directory Server Copying SSL certificate for the Web Server Copying additional files Finalizing configuration Packaging replica information into /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-ipa-standby.linuxdom.net.gpg Adding DNS records for ipa-standby.linuxdom.net Waiting for ipa-standby.linuxdom.net. A or AAAA record to be resolvable This can be safely interrupted (Ctrl+C) ^CInterrupted The ipa-replica-prepare command was successful