MK-Archive:Release announcement 42.1

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Чекањето е готово и новата ера почнува за openSUSE изданијата. Соработниците, пријателите и обожавателите сега можат да ја симнат првата хибридна Линукс дистрибуција openSUSE Leap 42.1. Уште од предходното издание , точно пред една година openSUSE го трансформираше процесот на развој за да создаде сосема нов тип на хибридна Линукс дистрибуција наречена openSUSE Leap.


Верзијата 42.1 е првата верзија на openSUSE Leap која користи извор од SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) со што се овозможува ново ниво на стабилност неспоредливо со останатите Линукс дистрибуции. Сврзувањето на развојот од заедницата и стабилноста од enterprise окружувањето ни овозможува повеќе кохезија за проектот и ажурирањата од неговите соработници. openSUSE Leap ќе има некои пакети и ажурирања исти како SLE, кое е сосема различно од предходните openSUSE верзии кои беа создавани како посебни текови за одржување.

Програмерите на заедницата ни овозможуваат еднакво ниво на придонес кон Leap и тековните проекти за ослободување на нови верзии, кое ја спојува празнината помеѓу старите и новите пакети на останатата openSUSE дистрибуција Tumbleweed.

Бидејќи овој потег е таква промена од претходните верзии, се создаде и нова стратегија за бројот на верзијата. Изворите на SLE што доаѓаат од SUSE наскоро ќе издадат SLE 12 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Стратегијата за именување е SLE 12 SP1 или 12.1 + 30 = openSUSE Leap 42.1. Многумина се прашуваа зошто баш 42, но SUSE и openSUSE имаат традиција да започнуваат големи идеи со бројките четири и два, референца на The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Во секоја ситна верзија на openSUSE Leap, корисниците можат да очекуваат нов KDE или GNOME, но денес е се околу openSUSE Leap 42.1, така што ако ви е здосадено од кафена работна околина, пробајте ја зелената.

Пред се забавувајте се!

openSUSE Leap 42.1 е...


Leap овозможува баланс помеѓу новото и иновативното со актуелното... Leap ни овозможува и чувство на enterprise, поддршка за модерни хардверски уреди и има наменски downgrade пакети со визија за Long-Term-Support на истата. Новите изданија на KDE Plasma 5 и LibreOffice 5 се веќе интегрирани во Leap но тоа не не спречува да користиме и постари пакети како GNOME 3.16 или GNU Compiler Collection 4.8.5 со опција за GCC 5.2.


Leap дополнително го разви Btrfs filesystem-от како default опција и XFS filesystem-от за перформанси, но секако има и други опции кои може да се бираат при избор на filesystem. Придобивката од Btrfs ни дозволува корисниците да го користат Snapper. Со негова помош корисниците можат да се вратат во предходната состојба на нивниот систем користејќи snapshot-и. Snapper автоматски ќе создаде snapshot-и на секој час и дополнително пред и потоа на секоја Yast или zypper трансакција. Новата верзија ни ја дозволува и можноста да се подигне системот од snapshot со цел да извадиме некоја корумпирана датотека од системскот дел(Пр. bash).

Превземи го Leap!

Датотеките за превземање на openSUSE Leap 42.1 може да се најдат на Препорачуваме да се провери и Release Notes пред да се прави надградба или нова инсталација.

Корисниците што моментално користат openSUSE 13.2 можат да се надградат до openSUSE Leap 42.1 со инструкциите на овој линк.

Check out ARM images at the ARM wiki. Stable Leap based images for ARMv7 and ARMv8 (AArch64) are there and will receive full maintenance alongside Leap. ARMv6 port is experimental and offers no guarantee.


openSUSE Leap 42.1 represents the combined effort of thousands of developers who participate in our distributions and projects shipped with it. The contributors, inside and outside the openSUSE Project, should be proud of this release, and they deserve a major "thank you" for all of the hard work and care that have gone into it. We believe Leap is a great release and will be a Linux distribution developers, sysadmins and users can depend upon! We hope you have a lot of fun using it, and we look forward to working with you on the next release!

The Details

For Developers

IDEs and tooling

Leap carries the latest version of the Qt 5 GUI toolkit (5.5). Qt 5.5 brings multiple features and enhancements for developers, but also for normal users, who will benefit from a large improvement in multi-screen handling and in QML (which is heavily used by Plasma). Builder is a brand new IDE, which is intended to make it easy to create GNOME applications. This initial 3.16 release is an early preview, which shows editing features, such as split view, snippets, auto-indentation and a VIM engine. Builder was backed by a successful crowdfunding campaign early in 2015, and there are big plans for the future. These include project management functionality, global search, version tracking, debugging, Glade integration, and much more.

Languages and Libraries

The KDE Frameworks 5 development libraries are at the latest stable version at the time of release (5.15), bringing in many bugfixes which affect the many KDE applications that are using them. In particular, the Baloo file indexing framework has been the subject of much changes, from bugfixes to performance improvements.

For Sysadmins


openSUSE Leap 42.1 is full of virtualization solutions. QEMU 2.3.1, VirtualBox 5.0.6 and Docker 1.8.2 makes openSUSE Leap 42.1 a perfect base system to distribute applications. Set up is easy with YaST, so you'll be able deploy solutions quickly and easily. GNOME boxes, virt-manager, and virsh are also useful to sysadmins using openSUSE.

Improved YaST

Being a completely open source project, the YaST versions and features shipped with SLE and openSUSE has always being in pretty close sync. With Leap that trends goes one step further, since 42.1 it will include exactly the same version of YaST, AutoYaST and Linuxrc that will be shipped in SLE12-SP1. When compared to the versions shipped in openSUSE 13.2, that means more than 600 fixes including corrections of errors, new features and enhancements in the already existing ones. Users and sysadmins will benefit from the improved YaST included in Leap 42.1. YaST is now more developer friendly than ever, with more polished code (although there is still a lot of autoconverted code from YCP), better development tools and documentation and a much better integration into the Ruby ecosystem including RSpec helpers, Rake tasks and other goodies. Although the YaST2-lxc module was dropped, the YaST family has grown with the addition of three new modules. Read more about the new modules.


Available for use with openSUSE Leap 42.1 is Machinery. Machinery is a command line application sysadmins can use for creating descriptions of Linux systems and working with them. You can use it to get insight into existing systems, to store and track their state, or to create new systems based on existing ones. Machinery provides powerful views of individual and comparisons between systems. It can also export descriptions to other tools for installation, migration, image building, containerization, or cloud deployment, and provides defined interfaces to work with system descriptions from your custom tools.

For Users


openSUSE Leap 42.1 is the first stable openSUSE release to include KDE Plasma 5 (version 5.4.2) as the default desktop environment. Plasma 5 is now mature enough for a wide audience to enjoy this beautiful, feature rich, innovative and performant desktop. The 5.4 version of the workspace introduces a new audio volume applet, a full-screen dashboard menu, many new icons (more than 1600 added) and improved High DPI support. Some minor "papercuts" from the previous releases have also been fixed, for example additional date formats in the clock or improvements in Folder View behavior and visuals.


openSUSE Leap 42.1 ships with GNOME 3.16.2. The GNOME 3.16.x branch has been released in April 2015 and received multiple bug fix iterations, making it a well tested and stable version to supplement the rock-solid SLE12 base system. GNOME 3's visuals have been updated for 3.16. The Activities Overview, login screen, system menus and other system components have been given a new, more contemporary look. The new visuals are designed to integrate with the visual style of GNOME applications, for a more seamless experience. 3.16 has a new style of scrollbar for GNOME 3. Instead of being shown all the time, these new overlay scrollbars are only shown when needed: a small scroll indicator is shown when the pointer is moved, and a larger bar appears when control is wanted.

Other desktop environments

openSUSE Leap 42.1 includes MATE (1.10), which provides support for both GTK2 and GTK3 toolkits, added support for 3.x GUI toolkits and improvements in Audio Mixer Library. openSUSE Leap 42.1 also ships with XFCE (4.12.1). The XFCE panel can now intelligently hide itself, supports GTK3 plugins, and saw lots of its third-party plugins updated to take full advantage of the features added in 4.10. Enlightenment 19 (0.19.12) ships in openSUSE Leap 42.1 and can now unshade clients when they're activated, updates the X11 compositor to use damage events, and updates the icon theme search list for the wizard.

About the openSUSE Project

The openSUSE Project is a worldwide community that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. It creates one of the world’s best Linux distributions, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community. The project is controlled by its community and relies on the contributions of individuals, working as testers, writers, translators, usability experts, artists and ambassadors or developers. The project embraces a wide variety of technology, people with different levels of expertise, speaking different languages and having different cultural backgrounds. Learn more about it on