Archive:GNOME competence directory
GNOME Competence Directory
If you have questions or ideas about specific areas of GNOME work, this list may offer clues for who to talk to to get a discussion going. Don't be afraid to add yourself to the list if there's something you feel on top of, something you've patched or packaged recently, etc.
- Accessibility - Bryen Yunashko aka suseROCKs (ideas/QA), Hans Petter Jansson (hacking)
- Bug Tracking - Mark Gordon, Rodrigo Moya, Federico Mena-Quintero, Vincent Untz
- Packaging - Michael Wolf, Stanislav Brabec, Mauro Parra-Miranda, Magnus Boman, Vincent Untz, James Ogley
- openSUSE:GNOME meeting - Bryen Yunashko aka suseROCKs, JP Rosevear
- GNOME repositories - Magnus Boman, Vincent Untz
- Application Browser - Scott Reeves (maintainer), Magnus Boman (maintainer)
- Banshee - Aaron Bockover (maintainer)
- Control Center - Rodrigo Moya (maintainer)
- F-Spot - Larry Ewing (maintainer)
- GDM - Hans Petter Jansson (patches)
- gnome-desktop - Vincent Untz (maintainer)
- gnome-menus - Vincent Untz (maintainer)
- gnome-panel - Vincent Untz (maintainer)
- gnome-power-manager - Rodrigo Moya (patches)
- gnome-screensaver - Rodrigo Moya (patches)
- gnome-session - Vincent Untz (maintainer)
- GNOME VFS - Hans Petter Jansson (patches), Federico Mena-Quintero (patches)
- GTK - Federico Mena-Quintero (contributor)
- GVFS - Hans Petter Jansson (contributor)
- libwnck - Vincent Untz (maintainer)
- Main Menu - Scott Reeves (maintainer), Magnus Boman (maintainer)
- Nautilus - Federico Mena-Quintero (contributor)
- Pulse Audio - Rodrigo Moya
- Sabayon - Federico Mena-Quintero (maintainer)
- Tomboy - Boyd Timothy (maintainer)