Archive:Board meeting 2023-10-09
Board Meeting Monday 2023-10-09 13:00 CEST
- Present: Gerald, Doug, Mau (13:15)
- Excused: Gertjan, Neal, Patrick
- Missed:
- This week's report to be sent by: Doug
- Guests: bw
Project Clarity
- Discussed next steps
Communications with Community
- Based on a few reoccuring topics, we agreed to send a reminder to all communication channels to be welcoming and considerate to people on all our communications channel
- Doug will draft message and send to board
- Will then ask moderators to post or pin the topic to each channel they manage.
Asia Summit Keynote
- Patrick is planning to attend and give talk on board's behalf
Conflict Resolution Item (board private)
Board Meeting ends at 13:59 CEST.