Archive:Board meeting 2022-08-15
Board Meeting Monday 2022-08-15 13:00 CEST
- Present: Gerald, Axel, Mau
- Guests: Doug, Emily, Luna/bittin
- Excused: Attila, Syds
openSUSE.Asia Summit: questions from organizers
- AI Doug: respond re sponsoring
- AI Mau:: check with Attila about co-presenting a keynote at Asia summit. Mau 50/50 maybe traveling
- AI Gerald: respond that Mau/board are looking into
openSUSE moderation Team update
- Announcement and community meeting presentation postponed. WIP. No update at the moment
Tornado Cash situation and the consequences it could have for Free Software/openSUSE
- Discussion about the specific issue and whether/how to respond as project.
- Next step: send an email to project@ ML to inform about what happened and the consequences to free software, to start a discussion also about GitHub and source code infrastructure.
- Doug agreed to write such a email:
- Axel is talking with the FSFE
- Big thanks to Doug for raising this!
openSUSE Foundation? Update
- Patrick sent an email with a number of good data point.
- Gerald will answer with a follow-up thoughts, questions,..., hopefully getting more discussion going.
Meeting closed at 13:48 CEST