Archive:Board meeting 2022-04-19
Minutes of openSUSE Board meeting 2022-04-25
Present: Axel, Gerald, Gertjan, Neal
Excused: Maurizio, Syds, Attila
Guests: bittin, Doug, Emily, Georg
Minutes of recent meetings
- 2022-03-14 (Neal) and 2022-04-11 (?) minutes missing from the Wiki
- In general we should improve handling of minutes.
- Now giving live, collaborative collection of minutes on Etherpad a try.
- Axel proposes to have meeting minutes reviewed by Wed (2359 UTC) after the meeting, so minutes can be sent out by Thursday morning.
#37 openSUSE social media accounts (and openSUSE as a project) and situations like the war in the Ukraine
- Closed, handled before.
#41 Poll to sign OpenLetter as project or not
- Closed, letter signed as/by individuals.
#44 Proposal about openSUSE.Asia summit 2022
- Everybody happy about the proposal
- AI: Gerald to send official confirmation to organizers
Travel Support Program (TSP)
- Practical challenges arose on the SUSE (Finance) side executing on the TSP
- Doug working this, trying to find a solution - next meeting tomorrow
Board session at oSC
- Leave "meet the board at the end of the conference" (has worked well in the past)
- Add a "fork in the road" session on day 1
- Options may be
- keep things as they are
- try moving towards a foundation for real
- find a lean solution able to accept donations, spend...
#45 Plan for board meeting before oSC
- May 31st + June 1st
- Who is able to come?
- Attila probably not?
- Mau maybe?
- If Attila or Mau aren't able to come in person, shift the schedule to run from morning to early (max. mid) afternoon
- Gerald wonders what worked well / not well in the past for such meetings
- Everyone feel free to add topics in the ticket.
- AI Doug and Gerald: look into how travel and accomodation for board members can be organized