Archive:Board meeting 2022-01-03

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Board opens with New Year wishes for every one

Board: Gerald, Attila, Maurizio, Axel, Simon, Vinz, Neal, Gertjan, Syds Guests: Bill, Greenwolf

    • Handover "old" to "new" Board

All welcome Attila and Maurizio to the Board. Thanks to Simon for serving four years and Vinz for one term.

Simon brought on the table that, according to the election rules, the handover should be 7 days after the announcement of the election results. Board agrees for the transition to formally take place January 7th

    • (Re)confirmation of Syds as Treasurer

Due to above the Board decides to move this to next meeting too.

    • Travel Support Program

Given the possibility of real life events, the TSP needs to be in a workiing state again. We also briefly discussed some ERP solution Bill mentioned.

    • Bar T-shirts

Bill is driving this, aim is now to have them around 15.4 release. He has already reached out to Sasi who agreed to help

    • Moderation - Issues #9 and #27

Maurizio and Gertjan will get together to get moderation more organized Board decides to leave the accountability part for now

    • Answer to question re. including Community repos / Packman in installer.

Basic answer is NO, according to statement from SUSE lawyers

Neal mentions that actions are already taken to get more essential codecs into openSUSE Brief mention of nvidia, NO GO either. Requires more follow up, to check what we can and cannot do. Neal mentions how Fedora deals with Flatpaks could work for oS, Board discusses flatpak situation briefly.

    • Board election rules

Simon brings to the table that we should review these. And possibly fill some gaps in there. Gerald adds that change can be made by a vote by the board or members. Some uncontested changes like covering Emeritus Member status might be candidates for the former; still community should always be informed.

    • Sponsorships

Simon: We as openSUSE sponsor events, Doug consults the board when in doubt.

    • Meeting times

From now on the Board Meetings will be on Mon 13:30 CET AI: Axel to change meeting reminder