Archive:Board meeting 2021-12-20
Minutes of openSUSE Board meeting 2021-12-20
Present: Axel (after 10'), Gerald, Gertjan, Neal, Simon, Syds
Excused: Vinz
Guests: Bill, Doug, Maurizio (after 25')
- running
- To the knowledge of the board all membership requests have been processed, all members (old and new) should have received their ballot with subject "Vote: openSUSE Board Election 2021"
- Emeritus membership list is WIP
- Emeritus membership and openSUSE Election Rules
- Simon plans to take care ( )
- AI Gerald: connect Simon and a volunteer he's been in contact with
Updates on Membership Officials
- Bill volunteers
- board happily accepts
- AI: Gerald to communicate with membership-officials@
Bar T-Shirts
- Bill is thinking to do a special shirt for "openSUSE Bar" folks around the 15.4 release.
- If existing logos are not changed and only additional elements added, no trademark approval is required.
- Bill going reach out to Sasi.