Archive:Board meeting 2021-07-05
Minutes public board meeting Monday July 5, 2021
Present: Gertjan, Neal (late due to issues with PC), Simon, Syds, Gerald (late due to train delay)
Apologies / Holidays: Vinz, Axel
Guests: Doug, Adrian, Bill, Andi
Topics from
Any other topics?
Minimum number of board members present for a board meeting? As we started with only a few board members, we were wondering if there was a minimum. However after a few more minutes we had enough members taking place. AI: Simon create the rule/ discuss if we need to create this rule.
Doug: weekly meeting on setting up social infrastructures like Fedora to provide a bit more structure in communication and decision making.
Gertjan: the path to contribute as well. Been discussing this in the bar a lot. openSUSE consists of a lot of communities within communities within communities, etc.
Neal: from the Fedora council a lot has been delegated to different commities, for example We've had this before, but kind of fell between "the ship and land"
Adrian: documentation is started, but doesn't go a long way. Who is doing the documentation?; It's the people that need the documentation. For example on the marketing docs team, we don't know who to ask to review the documents that they've created.
AI: Simon helps Adrian in finding the people to Marketing Docs team need for reviewing the docs.
Gertjan: my point is also the place where new people can find how to contribute in a simple way.
We need to document better what the teams are. OBS is useful for package maintainers, but the rest we need to update the wiki
Doug: let's also start a Tuesday 18.00 UTC meeting in the bar where everybody can join that is interested. We could also put up a poll
AI: Doug create a poll for when is a good time and something people are interested in.
Neal: we also need to update the oS account system to give people the option to join groups and communicate within those groups.
#9 moderator accountability across all platforms
Simon asks if someone else can take over the moderator accountability or should we wait for Simon to have time again. We will discuss again on the next board meeting.
#21 oS Asia Keynote by board
Gerald: this is important. don't have a hot topic, but if nobody else is able to could do "Ask any question and Gerald is going to present on it" (i.e., we'd solicit input and questions and I'll then base on that).
Topic options: - youth in openSUSE -- Bill: Youth in openSUSE; how our younger genereation is contributing to openSUSE -- Simon; expand that out to the community in Asia -- Bill: It should not be hard to join the community as younger people will loose interest after a while and continue with something else. -- Gertjan: the bar and public board meetings also help show the people behind the username and create a longer connection. -- Gerald: I like the idea! Should this be (largely/mostly) presented by younger folks?
#4 Freenode to
Neal wrote the announcement about moving IRC from Freenode to Libera.Chat