Archive:Board meeting 2021-04-26
Minutes of openSUSE Board meeting 2021-04-26, 1300 CEST
Attendees: Axel, Gertjan, Gerald, Neal, Simon, Vinz
Excused: Syds
Meeting Minutes: Vinz
Follow up on agenda action items tooling
The board discussed the further usage of code-o-o for keeping track of action items. Project can be found here:
- Neal made "meeting" tag for the code-o-o board project to track topics for (future) meetings
- AI Neal: Set up "board2021" and "board2020" repos for separating private information according to
- AI Neal:
- AI Simon: Add process documentation to board wiki page at "best practices"
Too much SLE in Leap 15.3
- Base packages from SLE, updated applications from TW
- KDE stack is outdated
- Reason is Qt not getting updated to at least 5.15 LTS
- Bugfixing in KDE these days mostly requires fixes or updates of Qt
Follow up on emeritus membership
Follow up on foundation
Follow up on Sponsorships and events
- Posponed due to Syds not being present.
Next Meeting Minutes: Gerald
Meeting ends: 1400 CEST