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Aeon is a Desktop operating system you don't have to worry about.

  • Focused: Designed to be provide a clean, clear desktop experience, without needing lots of configuration and setup to get started or maintain
  • Fast: Doesn't ship with baggage that slows it down
  • Always up-to-date: Updates install automatically, without impacting the running system. They take effect on next reboot, which you decide when that occurs.
  • Resilient: In case of trouble the system automatically rolls back to last working state

Install Guide

Install Guide
The Aeon Installation Guide provides step-by-step instructions to help users set up the operating system on their devices.

Installing Software

Installing Software
The Software Installation page for Aeon provides an explanation on how and in what order of preference to install software.


The Troubleshooting page for Aeon provides solutions to common problems that users may encounter. It also provides a detailed explanation on how to rollback your system.